News in English - 1/08/2014

--- Massacre of Palestinians in Rafah, in the southern area of the Gaza Strip by Israeli attempts in the last hours, in retaliation for the captive Israeli soldier in the morning, which, according to unconfirmed information-bearing the rank of colonel. The Israeli officer was arrested by the Palestinians during the Israeli operations to destroy tunnels in Hamas.
Note that humanitarian organizations have arrived in the morning to Egypt and attempt to enter the Gaza Strip through Rafah.
Meanwhile, just two hours the truce lasted, wh
ich had declared by Israelisthemselves. The army attacked and killed 40 Palestinian in Rafah and wounded 200. The dead people now exceed the 1,475–civilians, women and children-and wounded 8,220.

--- Members of the coalition
government, which participate in the Second Summer School of Parliament, voted yesterday in principle the Bill for “killing” forests, which is denounced by united scientific institutions of the country and environmental organizations.
The Deputy Minister of Environment, Nicholas Tagaras, trying to dispel impressions, said it would take into account the comments and suggestions that have been received from Members of the coalition.
Meanwhile, all the opposition parties voted against the bill, accusing the government serve
s specific private interests at the expense of the protection of forests and natural wealth of the country.

--- The fund horseracing will come over the next 20 years probably the companies submitted to a single binding offer to HRADF.
The new administration of HRADF also examines six binding offers from as many business groups, which have submitted bids for long-term lease of Vouliagmeni beach.

--- In the abolition of the last taxes over supplementary funds
,proceedsthe government with the bill. Recall that in April had been the abolition of other 24 taxes over  third, sponsoring supplementary funds, which now integrates in a Fund and dramatically reduces the supplementary pensions until their final disappearance, essentially by stealing what insured have paid all these years.
Meanwhile, the
amendments are continued, with the latter filed in the bill, of coalitionMPs, to exclude funds of uniformed by joining the Unified Fund Auxiliary.

Adonis Georgiadis also inside the House, continues  the celebrations for the verdict, which acquitted the landowner and his henchmen in Manolada, who last year shot and wounded 35 migrant laborers, when they asked their accrued. This  far-right fascist delirium of the parliamentary representative of Nea Democratia party, condemned by the opposition MPs.

--- In hunger strike once again ,refugees from Turkey, prisoners in different jails of the country. The five Turkish activists in
Larissa prison began their hunger strike demanding an end to the isolation imposed on them. The only category they had is resistance to authority .
InSolidarity strike ,participate three prisoners in Korydallos, one in Nafplion, one in Ioannina and one in Domokos.

--- OLME submitted action to the Council of State, against the decision of the Minister of Education to detach trainers in IEK , EPAL and EPAS. As mentioned, postings made ​​to the instructors to teach Vocational Schools respective courses in those disciplines in which the permanent teachers have been suspended and wait for dismissal.

--- A Meeting today at the Maximou Mansion for the finances of Universities and colleges, with the participation of Andreas Loverdos  and Christos Staikouras.
Cuts in institutions amounted to 18%, while in the research centers of universities is much higher, which together with the staffing render make  problematic the functioning of institutions.

--- Ongoing the fire in Stefani  Corinth, which occurred shortly this after noon on a rugged point and burning bushes. The fire is not threatened residential areas.

--- Ongoing surveys of Coast to locate the vessel 'Olga' ,which early in the morning  started from Santorini with  destination to Ios, and later was lost
In upwelling winds 4-5 Beaufort.

-----The Central Union of Municipalities considers that more of  30,000 children will be kept out of the nursery,as cuts in welfare programs is too large.

- -- The evacuation of Greek and foreigners from the port of Tripoli in Libya, was successfully completed  today the dawn.
In international news

--- In Algeria, deaths and injuries from panic caused by the earthquake 5.6 on the Richter scale. Four people were killed jumping from balconies and two had a heart attack. So far they have recorded 20 aftershocks.

--- In Taiwan, more than 22 dead leave the barrage of explosions in gas pipeline. Rescue teams created human chain to retrieve wounded by a deep crater formed in the ground by the explosion.

--- Showers and storms in Chakidiki, East Macedonia, Thrace and the islands of the northern and eastern Aegean, where the transient phenomena in some places will be strong, provides for tomorrow the National Weather Service. Gradually the weather will be improved. In Attica, the temperature reaches33 degrees Celsius and in Thessaloniki on 31degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54