News in English - 28/07/2014

New memorandum is forthcoming
A new memorandum is predicted in the quarterly report released today by the Greek Parliamentary Budget Office. The report «smashed into smithereens» PM Antonis Samaras’ success story by predicting that Greece will eventually end up with a new memorandum due to a 14.9 billion euros fiscal void for the years 2014-2015.
Given that development and resurgence of the economy is yet to come, supervision will remain constant and perpetual.  

Special court hearing for former FinMin George Papakonstantinou
Former finance minister George Papaconstantinou should be tried by a special court over his handling of the so-called Lagarde list of over 2,000 suspected Greeks with undeclared cash deposits in a Swiss bank, Supreme Court prosecutor Vasilis Pliotas recommended today.
The former Pasok minister should be charged for document falsification, dereliction of duty and tampering with the list in order to delete files concerning family members’ bank accounts.

SYRIZA (Radical Left Coalition party) submitted two amendments on household power supply.
The major opposition party submitted two amendments to the ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change concerning free power and heating petrol for the poor.
SYRIZA deputy Thanassis Petrakos stated that these are well studied proposals that the government has no base to reject.

Cypriot president N.Anastasiadis visits Athens
Cypriot president Nikos Anastasiadis is on an official visit to Athens today and tomorrow, where he will hold talks with the Greek administration as well as other political parties.

Sudden change in leadership of Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund
The Greek government decided to make a sudden change in the leadership of the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (TAIPED). Professor at the University of Piraeus, Emmanuel Kondyles, is the new president while Paschalis Bouchoris, a former National Bank executive is the new CEO.

Court hearings on Manolada strawberry fields are closing tomorrow in Patra
A rally is organised for tomorrow Tuesday, outside Patra courts where the hearing on Manolada strawberry fields are to closing tomorrow.
Press conference on the “War against Chemical Weapons Destruction” held at Chania
32 activists from Crete who participated in the operation of locating «Cape Ray» boat and protesting against chemical weapons destruction in Mediterranean waters, held a press conference today in Chania in order to share their recent experience with the public.

Charis Alexiou concert in solidarity of Ministry of Finance dismissed cleaning staff.
Charis Alexiou is giving a concert at Syntagma square tonight, in solidarity to the fired cleaning ladies of the Ministry of Finance.
During the concert pharmaceutical material for Gaza will be gathered.

No new UNO proposal on FYROM official nomenclature
United Nations Organisation has made no new proposal on the official nomenclature for FYROM, stated Matthew Nimetz, United Nations mediator on the matter, during his two-day visit in Skopje which is to be followed by his visit to Athens.

Weather forecast for Tuesday, July 29th
Sunny weather all over the country with showers and local thunderstorms during the hottest hours of the day, mainly in the regions of eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
Temperature in Attika will reach up to 35 degrees and in Thessaloniki up to 33 degrees Celsius with weak winds.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54