News in English - 29/07/2014

---Τhe Organization for the Liberation of Palestine declared a 24-hour humanitarian ceasefire, which Hamas rejected saying that there will be no peace until Israel declares a ceasefire. The Israeli army has been pounding the Gaza Strip and air strikes have intensified since early in the morning. Only today 100 Palestinias were reported killed, the power plant in Gaza stopped working when hit during an air raid, also a port, a refugee camp, four mosques and the Hamas leader's house were hit. 
Meanwhile, the UN announced that a fifth of Gaza residents have fled their homes.
An overnight peaceful protest under the slogan: "The children deserve to be offered smiles and not bullets" will be held tonight at 9 pm, in the Constitution square, while for tomorrow at 7:00 p.m., collectives and associations of immigrants have called for a  gathering in the Constitution Square and a march to the offices of the European Union.

---Libya is facing the worst fighting since 2011. The battles taking place between rival armed factions have plunged into chaos Benghazi and Tripoli. Meanwhile, France is removing its citizens from the country, while Canada and Portugal have temporarily closed their embassies.

---The finance minister is meeting this time with the contributors of New Democrasy and PASOK, as later today a new multi - bill will be deposited in the parliament. The new bill fulfills the prerequisites for the second subdose of the 1 billion euros and includes provisions for tackling tax evasion, as well as settings that are overdue and could create problems in the negotiation of September with the troika. The multi-bill will have to be voted by the Parliament, until August 8.

---The next evaluation of the Greek economic program will take place in Paris. According to government sources, the assessment will be calmer if done abroad, but according to information that officials from Brussels and the European Central Bank will participate in the negotiation and it is estimated that if these meetings were held in Greece, they would cause resentment of the people.

--- The dead-end policy of the memoranda will continue in Paris. The government and the troika are playing a new communication game by simply changing the setting and transferring it abroad, says the main opposition party, SYRIZA, in relation to the government's announcement that the next evaluation of the troika will not take place in the Greek territory, but in Paris. 

--- The tax calvary for millions of citizens is beginning on Thursday, as every month until December 31st, the taxpayers will have to proceed to the tax offices and pay an installment. The installments are related with the income tax, the property tax, the luxury living tax and the vehicle tax.

Weather forecast for July 30th
The weather tomorrow will be sunny and hot. Temporary showers or thunderstorms will occur at noon and in the afternoon in the central and the northern regions. The temperature will reach 36 degrees Celsius in Attica and 34 degrees Celsius in Thessaloniki.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54