News in English - 23/07/2014

--- The genocide of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, is  continued unabated by the Israeli forces.
Objectives of Israelis are now the hospitals. At noon they beat a geriatric rehabilitation hospital.
From the beginning of the Israeli operation,2 weeks ago,have been killed over 600 people, two thirds of whom are civilians, women and children. Over 3,600 wounded and mutilated.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army is systematically destroying, air and land, infrastructure, energy and water supply, schools and public buildings, and hundreds of homes, turning the Gaza Strip into huge ruins.

--- Call for help,have addressed the Doctors in the Gaza Strip to worldwide. Responding to the call, the Metropolitan Social Clinic in Elliniko and the organization “Fair Planet”,collect medicines for hospitals in Palestine.
Anyone who wants to help can call  at:210 96 31 950 & 210 94 09 519.

--- The former Governor of the Bank of Greece,George Provopoulos,and other senior executives of the Bank,are requested by two prosecutors,of written explanations for the offense of direct complicity in the crime  infidelity, which took place at the expense of the public.The offense is the scandal of approval to acquire Proton bank,in March 2010 by the entrepreneur Lavredi Lavrentiadis.

--- With the words "unacceptable", a hundred unions of Hospitals - Health Centers - Welfare Units throughout the country and the ambulance,returned to the door of the Ministry of Health, the evaluation sheet. "With our practice, we protect the public and social character of health, our work and professional dignity," says the statement of POEDIN. Workers in Health stoped working this morning and protested against the assessment in the center of Athens.

---The reactions of workers in the assessment, creating cracks in goverment.Antonis Samaras and Evangelos Venizelos will meet tomorrow morning at the Maximos Megaron,in order to bridge the differences, after the contradistiction between Venizelos and  Mitsotakis."The evaluation promoted by the government is the vehicle to reproduce the client state," said  the president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, after the meeting with the ADEDI

--- The appeal of ADEDI got a procrastination for next week, for the decision of the Council of State,that deemed illegal the abstinence of employees from the assessment. Please note that the Ministry of Administrative Reform intends other 6,500 layoffs by the end of the year, in accordance with the undertaking signed to lenders by the goverment of Samaras-Venizelos .

--- Fiscal adjustment and large wage cuts, which Greece followed,  did not improve the competitiveness-and much more-have led to a drop in productivity, is the general conclusion of a new report from the International Monetary Fund that was published  yesterday.

--- At 13.5 % increased the Greek debt in 2013, according to data released yesterday by Eurostat. This means that amounts to 314.8 billion euros, representing 174.1% of GDP. Same time, data pf the ELSTAT for 2013 show that 34.6% of people live below the poverty line, a figure that is growing more.

--- Forest and grassland,burns  the fire underway in rough area of Agia Fotini at Rethymno. At the area are attempting the firefighting forces.

--- For September 3,is  postponed the trial of the interlocutory of NERIT,asking provocative performance of the premises used by the POSPERT,in the “occupied” by the Ministry of Finance building of ERT. It also calls for the expulsion of the supplier and consumer cooperative staff of  ERT, although it remains there by a judicial decision, and for the closure of the second cafe shop that  has been granted under the Act for rehabilitants.

--- Cruising protest is organized by the Coordinating against chemical, to be destroyed south of Crete. The chairman of the Labour Centre of Heraklion, Socrates Vardakis, mentioned at  Ertopen,”that the dash will start  tomorrow  trying to be  as close as possible to the ship with the chemicals”.

--- "Important victory of the anti-fascist movement" featuring an  anouncement  of ANTARSYA Argolis, the cancellation of Nazi content event for the history of the swastika and armed nationalist groups, that was  planned to take place in the area.

--- “The need to protect democracy in the country”, mentioned   Karolos Papoulias,in his message for the 40th anniversary of the restoration of democracy in Greece.

--- Tomorrow, Thursday, 24th of July, at 7 pm, the ensemble of ERTOPEN ,organizes a concert in solidarity with the struggle of the cleaners in the Finance Ministry in Syntagma sq. We invite you to be there, to unite our voices in a common struggle against the goverment  that makes “black”  our lives.

International news

--- In Libya, a few days before the new parliament will take office in, battles take place around the airport in Tripoli and Benghazi.

--- More than 50 people lost their lives in a forced landing of a  Taiwanese aircraft from the company TransAsia,in Penghu Taiwan  So far there have been unknown the causes  of the tragedy.

A  look at the sports activity

--- At 7pm in  Evosmos,the national volleyball team of men is facing the team of Montenegro, while at 9.30pm in Hungary, the  national team of waterpolo men,is facing the team of Serbia in a knockout match.


The National Weather Services provides for a  fine weather tomorrow, and only in Eastern Macedonia, Thrace and the northeastern Aegean is provided local showers and thunderstorms mostly in the afternoon and evening.
In Attica, the temperature reaches 32 degrees Celsius and in  Thessaloniki at 29 degrees Celsius .
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54