In a letter to Greek finance minister Ghikas Hardouvelis, the troikademands the withdrawal of paymentarrangements  fordebtsto tax authorities and social security funds, inuptoonehundredinstallments,as well as the arrangements  for "red" loans.

According to newspaper KATHIMERINI, the creditors claim that the fiscal cost of the recent governmental debtarrangements is estimated to be more than 1 billion euros for 2015 which will be added to the existing fiscal gap of 1.5 billion euros. 

It is also noted in the letter that, although paymentarrangements  fordebts have fiscal implications, they were brought to Parliament without the necessary approval by the representatives of the creditors. 

----- SYRIZA  announced that "The moment that the Prime Minister heralds the entry of the country in a Post-Memorandum era, the troika via an e-mail reminds him that he is not allowed to an opinion on the crucial matter of   public debt arrangements."

As stated in the same announcement " SYRIZA has already tabled its own plan concerning paymentarrangements  fordebts which, in contrast to the government's criticism, takes into account the actual revenue of the debtors."

---- DEMAR was also very critical of the government and its claims that the country is ready for an exit from the Memorandum, with Fotis Kouvelis referring to     the "enhanced conditions credit line" as another version of thebailout program, noting that "it debunks the rhetoric of the government about the end of the Memorandum".

The acceleration of the crucial negotiations among Greece, Cyprus and Egypt on the definition of the exclusive economic zone of the three countries, was decided during a trilateral summit today in Cairo between Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

The Greek Prime Minister  and the Cypriot President also referred to the issue of Cyprus, stressing the need for a just solution that will comply with the principles of the International Law and calling for an end to Turkish provocations in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Cyprus.

It is a downright shame, declared president of SYRIZA Alexis Tsipras that the school of the community "18 Ano" that deals with cured addicts, cannot open due to lack of resources that amount to about 6 thousand euros per year. Mr Tsipras said that the fact is indicative of the attitude of the government towards marginalized groups.

Jean-Claude Juncker  is in a difficult position after it became known that  Luxembourg's huge tax avoidance industry was developed during the years when he was the finance minister and then the prime minister of the tiny EU member-state.

 343  international companies like Pepsi, Ikea and FedEx ,nine of which have Greek links, have secured  secret tax deals from Luxembourg, allowing many of them to slash their overall tax bills while maintaining little presence in the country.

The EFG Group, in which the powerful Latsis family is involved, and Weather Investments, which operates in Greece as Wind Hellas, are among the international corporations that have special agreements with the Luxembourg authorities that help them reduce their tax bills.

The new president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, cancelled a programmed appearance in a forum about the future of Europe.

During her first visit to Gaza, Head of the European Diplomacy Federicka Mogerini said she was in favour of the creation of an independent Palestinian State.

People cannot bear a fourth war after the three attacks by Israel in the past six years, she stated and added that a  Palestinian State is necessary.

"This is our aim",she said," and this is a view shared by all member states of the European Union."

New Democracy MP Giannis Mihelakis declared he is against the proposal of Education minister Andreas Loverdos to cover teacher shortage  in state schools with volunteers,by offering a point system that would help them when seeking a position for public recruitment.

Speaking about "unelaborated personal ideas" of the education minister, he commented that it is unheard of to turn work into a hobby.

Nikos Romanos, accused for the robbery in Velvodo and for participation a  terrorist group, is going on a hunger strike, starting from Monday 10th of November  in the penal prison of Korydallos, because his requests to attend classes at the university where he has been accepted have been denied.


There will be extended traffic regulations tomorrow in various parts of Attika, because of the 32nd Marathon .

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Σάββατο, 08/11/2014 - 22:41