Forty years after the bloody suppression of the student uprising against the military dictatorship, the gates of the Athens Polytechnic University opened for a three day commemoration of the event, under the shadow of the overpowering presence of the police. It is estimated that about 7,000 police officers will be needed.

During these three days the program of ERTopen will be transmitted live from the Polytechnic University, as the voice of the people who are defending democratic ideals.

The message of the 1973 revolt is more modern than ever because of the lock out instructed by the dean of the University of Athens as well as because of the resent extreme repression within the faculty of the university by police forces.

The celebration will conclude in the customary march to the American Embassy.

The 24year old officer of the riot police who hit a photojournalist with a club on the head from behind during the recent shuffle in the Polytechnic University, has been identified and suspended. Material for preliminary investigation has been filed by the Athens General Police Department and has been conveyed to the public prosecutor.

SYRIZA calls for elections and a strong negotiating mandate in the name of the Greek people, said its president Alexis Tsipras, in the founding congress of PODEMOS party in Spain. Assessing that Greece is at the doorstep of a historical change, he stressed that his party “will not accept any agreement in absentia of the Greek people and specifically no agreement while the public debt is excluded”.

SYRIZA’s first place in recent ratings and the constant raise of PODEMOS in Spain have led Alexis Tsipras to note that “it is now clear that together we can do (Podemos) what was impossible to be done until yesterday. We can stop the destructive course of Europe , we can stop this devastating austerity and bring back democracy and social justice to the foreground.”

Morgan Stanley seems not to share the government’s optimism about the Greek Economy, estimating that in 2015 it will develop at a rate of 1.3%, which is quite lower than 2,9 %, adding that 2014 will close with sluggish growth and without remarkable improvement.

The Council of State has decided that real estate objective values should be updated. This judgment causes serious complications to the financial plans of the government and the troika, as it demands the financial team of the government to proceed with the updates within a period of six months and will probably have important consequences in the estimated tax revenues.

At the G20 summit in Brisbane where President Poutin found himself under pressure concerning the EU and US sanctions, the Kremlin spokesman denied that he will leave earlier from the G20 meeting as previously suggested.

One more member state of the EU is heading towards an official recognition of an independent Palestenian State.

The Spanish political parties are consulting in order to vote in Parliament for an agreement of recognition of the Palestenian State, confirming that the only solution to the problem is the co existence of two independent states, those of Israel and Palestene.

In Iraq the Islamic State militants have been driven away from the country’s largest oil refinery.

This comes a day after Iraqi officials said they had retaken the nearby town of Baiji, which had been under militant control since June.


Increased cloudiness in the west and north of the country with local showers and sporadic storms in the northern Ionian sea and Epirus are forecast for tomorrow.

Increased sporadic cloudiness during the small hours.

The temperature will range from 14 to 20 degrees Celsious in Athens and from 13 to 17 degrees Celsious in Thessaloniki .

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Κυριακή, 16/11/2014 - 22:50