News in English 13.09

The government Council of Administrative Reform held a meeting today in view of signing joint ministerial decrees abolishing a total of 2,500 positions in 11 ministries by Monday next. The ultimate goal is for a total of 12,500 public servants to be dismissed by the end of September.

Unemployment in Greece has reached a new dramatic record. According to Hellenic Statistical Authority data, unemployment in Greece reached 27.9 % in June 2013 as opposed to 24.6% in June 2012.

General Federation of Greek Workers estimates that actual unemployment is higher than 30 %, foreseeing that as long as the Greek government proceeds with the current ineffective policy, unemployment will continue rising dramatically for the coming year, reaching 31.5%.

A group of the Greek Communist party members putting up posters was attacked by 50 members of Golden Dawn party last night, at Perama. Nine people were injured and hospitalized. The announcement issued by the Communist party calls the incident “an insidious and murderous attack by Golden Dawn members”

In the context of mobilizations against suspension measure in Greek universities, employees, students and professors of National Technical University, in collaboration with ERT employees, organize a concert for education with the participation of numerous artists and intellectuals. The concert will be held on Wednesday, September 16, at 8 pm, at the premises of the National Technical University in the centre of Athens.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54