News in English - 12/07/2014

--- In Sakka of Keratea, there is a  fire in an area with dry grass. In partial control also, the forest fire in Pedino area,ongoing the fire in Xilokeratia Pikrolimnis of Kilkis. Another fire takes place in  Aliveri of Evia,on a rugged area with low vegetation.

--- Despite the live broadcast coverage by Ertopen, the rally of the three major movements of the country that took place yesterday evening, remained-even once-invisible for the “systemic” media. This did not stop the workers and social struggles to meet at Syntagma square, while also important was the presence in solidarity with Palestine and members of the Palestinian community in the country.

--- Things are getting difficult for the Government at the economy, but even more difficult for the taxpayers. In the middle of the tax clearing, the Troika does not allow tax excludes, while a disaster story was the output in markets.
--- Two immigrants-a man and a woman-were killed when their boat sank ten nautical miles from Karlovasi of Samos, while a child is still in a bad condition. An awful impression causes the refusal of the funeral offices of the island to collect the remains of victims for non-payment of past services offered, but in the opposite direction very positive impression creates the special efforts of the medical and nursing staff to keep alive the young person sacrificing the day offs and offer their services.

--- Ending today in Trikala  the 3rd antiracist festival with  the main slogan  "Open borders, open minds - Red card for racism," while  very interesting discussions, screenings and concerts  will take place  today at the park Matsopoulou.

--- Expressions of Solidarity in insurgent Zapatista communities today at 7 pm will be held at the little theater square of Protomagia  in Moustoxydi bridge, with video screenings , informations, discussion and concert  for the financial support of the Zapatista’s  autonomous structures that  destroyed by paramilitary attack in the  community of Realidad on May 2, 2014, where was  killed the teacher Galeano.

--- Another event for the law-type C prisons, will take place today at 7:30pm in Pallini square, with documentary screenings and discussions on the topic.

----With the slogan  “Never on Sunday” invites tomorrow not open their shops, the SMB Business General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants, after the decision of  Giakoumatos. The Federation of Private Employees announced a 24-hour strike for workers in shops. The three associations of employers and employees have filed a joint application to the State of Council at the Ministerial Decision by seeking injunctions, temporary suspension and annulment of the decision. A rally   will take place tomorrow at 11 am at the Ermou  street.

--- A
complaint on the misleading advertising of Coca-Cola, contains the announcement  of  Panhellenic Federation of Employees in  bottled drinks, reminding everyone that the  boycott requested by the employees of the company , continues successfully .

--- A grenade was found this afternoon, outside the building offices of Skai TV station.

--- On Monday, will open the submission of applications for the social tourism program, for the period 2014 -2015. Subsidies are for one to five nights, for the period from 15 September 2014 until 31 August 2015.

In international news

---The aggressive rhetoric of the Prime Minister of Israel is continued,while  the same  time the air forces were able to hit even today a psychiatric clinic with an unknown number of casualties.
--- The UNO special’s envoy, warned today that Iraq "will sink into a chaos if there is no progress tomorrow" during the discussions for a government formation.

Sunny throughout the country with showers and thunder, in the warm hours of the day in the highlands of Macedonia and Thrace, is expected for tomorrow Sunday.
Temperatures will range from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius in northern Greece, from 19 to 31 degrees in Central, from 22 to 32 degrees in South, from 18 to 29 degrees in the West and from 23 to 30 degrees in the Aegean islands and Crete.
The winds will blow in the Aegean patients, except the South Aegean where  will blow westerly moderate to strong and locally in western Crete and Myrtoo almost gale. The Ionian winds will blow westerly to moderate.
Sunny is expected for tomorrow in Attica,with temperature in Athens touching  the 31 degrees Celsius. The winds will blow from western directions to moderate and locally strong in the Saronic.
Sunny with a few clouds, which during the hot hours of the day will thicken to the east mountainous parts of the county and will occur temporary showers, is expected for  tomorrow in Thessalonica. The temperature will reach 30 degrees Celsius.The winds will blow almost northwesterly in Thermaikos moderate but gradually will fade and turn to the southeast with the same intensity.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54