News in English - 7/07/2014

--- Two days before the 24-hour strike of ADEDI, PPC operates with conscripted employees, after the court decision that ruled the strike illegal and improper.The support of GSEE is limited to communications.
The workers' representative on the Board of PPC, Nikos Fotopoulos, said: "I tore the sheet of requisition,that was sent to to me by the  dictatorial minority government", consistent with the statements of the past few days urging his colleagues to do the same.
The unions of PPC continue the struggle with other forms of action. The left  party of  SYRIZA continues to collect 120 signatures for the referendum due to the discussion of the controversial bill in parliament tomorrow. Meanwhile, the left party of DEMAR, has decided to present its own proposal for a referendum on the small PPC.The Communist party KKE, featured “brutal and authoritarian the government's policy”, by commenting the policy of requisition the workers.

--- Eurogroup is  meeting today to approve the disbursement of the  dose of 1 billion euros after approves the progress of the coalition monumental obligations.Troika also requires to complete the opening of 12 closed professions, and added to the list real estate agents, private schools and aged care services.

- A gathering outside the offices of PASOK in Xarilaou Trikoupi street made this  morning, the suspended teachers and school guards, while  the Political Bureau of PASOK had a meeting.

--- In Thessaloniki, work stoppage will take place from 8 pm until the end of the shift in the organization of Urban Transports . Employees who stopped  working this morning, denouncing the economic impasse of  the organization. 

---The administrative staff of the University of Athens decided to close the School of Medicine, from today untill Friday, complaining for the dissolution of the University and also for redundancies and availabilities.

---At  6 pm started again in Parliament, the discussion of the bill establishing prisons  type C. The Opposition will request a nominal vote on principle and on the articles, while at the same time there will be at Syntagma square a protest against this inhuman law.

--- The Solidarity Initiative in VIO.MEA , invites in a concentration protest,on Tuesday at 11 am at the Ministry of Labour in Stadiou str, in order to defend the self-managed factory. Tomorrow is the the appointment for a  temporary administration of  the factory.

-The employees in Greek Sugar Industry in Orestiada and Serres asking for a meeting with the Prime Minister,after the decision to suspend operation of the two plants. The decision was taken after a study suggested by a consulting firm, in which served as Deputy Director , the wife of Gikas Hardouvelis (Minister of Finance).

 --- In sending a resolution to the Ministry of Development, administrations of five Chambers,are  deeply concerned about the future of manufacturing, after a joint meeting they had in Volos, as multiply, the operators that stop functioning.

--- A Concert against the privatization of the Palais in Galaţsi, is  organized by  local residents, today at 20.30 pm 

--- A Rally against the destruction of Syrian chemicals  in the Mediterranean, the gold mining in Skouries of Chalkidiki and the bill for the coasts,is  organized on Friday,the 11th of July ,at  8 pm in  Syntagma Square, under the slogan "Chemicals-Skouries -Coasts. Is happening now! Let's stop it now! ".
The employees of  ERT,who  that day fill 13 months of struggle,   will  join ther  voices with all of  them, on Friday's rally.A Concert will follow with Melina Kana, ElenI Tsaligopoulou, Nikos Touliatos,Pantelis Thalassinos,Nena Venetsanou, Costas Leivadas  and much of traditional music.

In international news:

--- Three of the six Israelis who have been arrested as suspects for the kidnapping and for the murder of a16-year old Palestinian,in 2 of July in East Jerusalem, confessed, as the AFP transmits.

--- In detention is  the policeman who had killed a demonstrator during a protest  in the summer of 2013 in the capital of Turkey, untill  the i
ssuance of the verdict by the court of Ankara,expected in  September.


Fine weather for  tomorrow, with temporary showers in the northern mountains. The winds will blow from 4 to 5 beaufort in Aegean and transiently at 6 Beaufort.
The temperature will rise slightly. It will reach up to 36 degrees in Athens and up to 34 degrees Celsius in Thessaloniki.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54