News in English - 23.08.2013

IMF: “Greek economy development potentials overestimated”

The latest IMF report states that Greece “sank” deeper into depression due to the country economy’s potentials for development having been overestimated in 2010. According to the study, the reforms programme has not been adequately implemented. IMF officials give a list of factors for which the Fund’s predictions about Greece have not been verified; social and political reactions being among them. It should be noted that last June IMF admitted its mistakes as regards the Greek bailout package.


Shaueble: “Third bailout package for Greece will be much smaller”

German Finance Minister Wolfgang Shaueble stated to “Handlesblatt” newspaper that the third bailout package for Greece will be much smaller than the two previous ones. He clarified that this will happen only in the condition that the Greek government fulfills its commitments.


Public health sector employees protest against suspension measure

Employees in the public health sector held a rally today outside the Ministry of Health premises against forthcoming dismissals and dissolution of public hospitals. In its announcement, the Greek Federation of Hospital Doctors refers to a complete disruption of labour relations in the National Health System, due to the measure of suspension and redeployment, predicting that it will ultimately lead to thousands of dismissals.


Minister of Education – Federation of Secondary School Teachers discussions reach an impasse

The meeting of Education Minister Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos with the president of Federation of Secondary Schools’ Teachers on the issue of teachers’ suspension measure and compulsory redeployment proved without outcome. The Federation president Themis Kotsifakis stated that he means to propose a strike right from the start of the school year, on September 11th, while the minister pointed out that schools will function as expected.


Public television transition entity accused of “black labour” conditions

ERT employees’ and journalists’ trade unions filed a report to the Supreme Court District Attorney, charging the public television transition entity, namely the Greek state, for breaching labour laws by employing people in terms of “black labour”. Supreme Court District Attorney committed to investigate the charges.


Alexis Tsipras : “ERT brand name to be reinstated when SYRIZA comes to power”

Alexis Tsipras met with ERA employees in Corfu island radio station, referring to the so-called Public Television talked about a new “television of the Armed Forces” (YENED). He also described ERT’s closure as a crime because it has deprived the country’s frontier regions of national radio and television programmes. He also stated that when Radical Left Coalition comes to power it would restore ERT to its previous status and reinstate the institutional frame of its powerful brand name.


Petition supporting ERT signed by thousands

Meanwhile, 9,500 people have signed the petition in support to ERT’s employees, who continue producing a full radio and television programme on a 24-hour basis, broadcasted on the web, even without the support of EBU any longer. Those who wish to sign the petition can find it on website.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54