News in English - 15/07/2014

Minister of Labour meets with the Troika
The issue of payment of arrears to the pension funds will be discussed at the meeting between the Minister of Labour and the troika. 
The aim of the Ministry of Labour for an increase of income of pension funds from insurance contributions up to 10% has not been achieved. 
Besides, the Social Insurance Institute revenues from insurance contributions in June 2014 grew by just 2.5% compared to the previous year's revenues.
However, the key - meeting of the government and theTroika will be held tomorrow morning. During this meeting the representatives of our creditors will express their opinion on all issues before departing from Athens on Thursday.

SYRIZA party organises a protest against shore privatisation bill
The main opposition party, SYRIZA, is organizing an event tomorrow, to express its opposition to the government's bill for the shores. The event is comprising an attack towards the government and an opening towards the Democratic Left Party. 
The event will be held in the atrium of the Benaki Museum and party leader Alexis Tsipras' speech is scheduled for 7:30pm. The opposition leader is expected to present the context of SYRIZA actions and the objections against the government bill for the shores. 
SYRIZA has invited political executives, actors and Democratic Left Party deputies who have already responded positively, considering that the opposition does not call for the creation of fronts but instead it presents its views on the issue of the shores. 

PAME rally against court judgement
PAME is organising a rally in Omonia square this time to protest against the State assessment and the court judgment that declares illegal the decision of the Public Workers Union to abstain from the process. 

Greek Post staff on 24-hour strike
The Association of Greek Postal Employees in Athens and Attica has declared a 24-hour strike tomorrow demanding the immediate hiring of seasonal employees. If the problem is not solved, the association warns with a new four-day strike from the 11th to the 14th of August.

Godlen Dawn deputy under house arrest
Golden Dawn Party deputy Nikos Michos will remain under house arrest and he will only have the right to participate in the meetings of the Parliament, according to the Judicial Council's decision. The deputy apologised last Wednesday for the charge of gun possession in order to supply a criminal organization.

Former Secretary General released on bail
The former Secretary General of Armaments Spyros Travlos was released on bail of 50,000 euros, after his confession to the investigators. The former Secretary General is accused of infidelity in the case of armaments about the Navy submarines.

Five-hour work stoppage declared in hospitals
The Panhellenic Federation of Employees of Public Hospitals has declared a five-hour work stoppage on Wednesday, July 23 and a rally at 11:00 in the morning outside the Ministry of Health to protest for the dismissals of employees. 
A day before, on Tuesday, July 22, the Federations is organising tours, general meetings and protest rallies at hospitals, health centers and welfare units.

Patient dies due to doctor's negligence
The Prosecutor oredered the investigations of the circumstances of the death of a patient who accused the director of the cardiology clinic of the EVAGELISMOS hospital for bribery. Τhe conclusion of the forensic examination has already been forwarded to the prosecutor. 
Τhe patient's relatives, who attibute the death to the doctors' negligence will be called to testify. 
The defendant doctor, who denies the accusations, has apologized and has been released on bail of 100,000 euros. Also, he is not allowed to leave the country and he has to appear to the police station twice a month.

Death toll in Gaza Strip still mounts
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his country sees the Egyptian ceasefire proposal as an opportunity for the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip. 
However, Hamas appears negative towards the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire before the start of talks on ceasefire. 
Meanwhile, the Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip have resulted in the death of 192 people whereas the number of the wounded exceeds 1,300.

Bomb kills dozens in Afghanistan
A parked car packed with explosives exploded in a crowded market of Paktia province in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least 89 people and wounding 40, police said. 
All the victims are women and children. No group has yet taken responsibility.

Weather forecast
Showers and thunderstorms in the mainland as well as in the central and northern parts of the Aegean islands are expected tomorrow mainly at noon. The temperature will reach 31 degrees Celsius in Athens and 30 degrees Celsius in Thessaloniki.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54