News in English - 21/06/2014

Chinese landing  in  Piraeus
Τhe Chinese  landing in Piraeus  these days, on the occasion of the official visit of Chinese Prime Minister in our country. Yesterday executives and operators of China found at both ends of the port and met with the political leadership of the Ministry of Shipping, and the administration of the PPA (Piraeus Port Authority). Today is the scheduled visit of the Greek Prime Minister and his Chinese counterpart at the premises of the Cosco piers II and III at the port. --- At the same time while moving the sellout  of PPA, universal and generalized  are the reactions of employees and all stakeholders (productive and social) of Piraeus, who say a big 'NO' to the sale of the majority shareholding of the PPA and seek to stop the sales process from HRADF(Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund). Reactions than do not seem to concern the government, which continues normalythe  sales process of PPA, while waiting and the consensus of the EU to 'settle' the main port concession to the Chinese.

Increases in domestic invoice of PPC (Public Power Corporation)
Increases in residential electricity tariff for the incremental consumption 0 -800 kWh per quarter and reductions in trade tariffs, come from July 1st  ,pursuant to the provisions of the Memorandum for elimination of internal tariffs subsidies to PPC.

Alexis Tsipras:
“Let's  re - establish  Europe”
Our struggle for the refounding of Europe must be constant and irreducible, stated the president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, speaking last night at the event entitled "Struggle for another Europe" as part of the festival «Resistance» conducted by the newspaper "Road of the left" in the Agricultural University. As Mr Tsipras,
mentioned , the refounding of Europe should become on economic, social and environmental basis and noted that the left party with a majority perspective can play a key role for change in Europe poverty and oppression in Europe growth , solidarity and environmental consciousness.

Protest in Thessaloniki on: "No other success story»
Rally the whole package of the alleged success story of the government and against the privatization of the evaluation system and the redundancy plan for this time,
in the statue of  Venizelos, at Aristotle's Square the ELME (Union of Secondary Education) Thessaloniki, employees EYATh former employees of the ERT, school guards, cleaners and others.

Episode in Ne
a  Philadelphia
Episode unfolded last night in Ne
a  Philadelphia. It all started when the scheduled debate concerning the new master plan and was called by the coordinating  of Philadelphia  & Chalcedona  residents, was attacked from a group of alleged supporters of AEK.

There are 
distorted  policemen
File formed for five
persons  of which two are police officers-who paid account through Paypal, to watch a live broadcast of sexual abuse of minors in the Philippines.

And his son 
in the game of heroin Central role in the trafficking of heroin gave the 15 year old son of the owner Efthimis Giannousakis, the 29-year old Albanian, during his apology in investigator ,yesterday afternoon. The 29 year old man was remanded in custody.

Nikos Fotopoulos: "Not to a small PPC(Public Power Corporation)"
In his letter, the former chairman of PPC GENOP, Nikos Fotopoulos, citing statements by the Minister of Rural Development during the privatization of PPC, invites Members
of Parliament  who have expressed similar positions to keep their word in the passage of the bill in the summer part of the Parliament  for the privatization of "small PPC".

Race Committee for the Metropolitan Park of Greek: "No to sell-out '
Assembly committee to fight the metropolitan park in Greek will be held tomorrow at 7:30 in the afternoon on the beach of Agios Kosmas, with objectives, updating of account, organization and scaling resistors residents,  to not spend plans 
for  the sellout  and building Greek and beach of Agios Kosmas.

Ongoing festival entitled  “Undiscovered Country
of Disability
Continues today in
the self-managed theater'' EMPROS'' the three-day festival titled '' Undiscovered Country of  disability” co-hosted  by  the'' move disabled artists'' and'' the emancipation movement of people with disabilities zero tolerance''.

Published by ASEP the ranking lists
Published by ASEP
the  definitive ranking lists for the selection of officials of the University of Athens put to availability. Meanwhile, the strike continued by the university administrators. Occupied  by the premises,remain the Technical University and the University of Patras.
- Closing moreover
on Monday 23 to Sunday, June 29, faculties Solid TEI Lamia, Halkida, Amfissa, Karpenissi Thebes, by the Senate because of financial problems, and has not gotten a grant in 2014.

Music School of Pallini - 25 years
of creation
The Music School of Pallini meets
at eight in the evening other music schools from all over Greece, at  the Rock Theatre of Byron, to celebrate  the 25 years of action.

POSPERT: "It breaks the unity ESIEMTH»
By astatement, POSPERT complains for the conducting elections for labor representatives to NHRIT(New Hellenic Radio Internet Television). "We condemn sectarian attitude bureau ESIEMTH, which is contrary to the will of journalist associations and POESY, which, together with the Greek people, support ERT and require its opening," concludes the statement.

In international news

Switzerland: "quotas for Europeans working in our country "
Switzerland announced yesterday that it will adopt the 2017 quotas for EU citizens who live or work in the country, which caused  the strong reaction of the EU.It is the next move of Switzerland after the referendum in February ,where a narrow majority (50.3%) of the country was in favor of restricting immigration - something that was suggested by the far-right Swiss People's Party.

Cloudy with occasional showers and thunderstorms, mainly
at afternoon and evening, provides for today the Hellenic National Meteorological Services, in northern Greece. Cloudy with a chance of rain for Athens and temperature to 30 degrees Celsius. Showers and thunderstorms mainly in the east of Thessaloniki since noon and the afternoon temperature will reach to 28 degrees Celsius.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54