News Bulletin in English

June 11, 2013 - June 11, 2014 one year “fascist black”

  One year completed today, June 11, from “black “ fascist way , imposed by the coalition of Samaras -Venizelos in the public broadcasting corporation ERT, firing at once 2,656 workers.
Today, at 12.30,
was a rally in Klathmonos involving unions, associations and collectives. It followed a path to the Ministry of Finance, where the cleaners are .
Also at 7 pm, we
call for a rally outside the Radiomegaro ERT, at Mesogeion av. in Agia Paraskevi.
Meanwhile, for
the anniversary day of the “black”, is organized a 3-day and 4-day event on the radios throughout the region, from workers and Solidarity Free Self-Managed ERT, and citizens.
Also, protest rallies will be outside the Greek embassies of European countries.

Catapult IMF's report on Greece
at the same time with the swearing in of the new ministers, released the report of the International Monetary Fund for Greece-a real catapult for the government and what had preached before the election. The IMF notes in its report that fatigue in adaptation ,is now evident that as the program progresses, the political commitment is seriously tested. Thus asking accelerating changes in the labor market, with the release of redundancies. The International Monetary Fund announces more cuts in minimum wage and the maturation.
"Greece is facing not only the troika. There is much to be done. We face a marathon" said the new Minister of Finance ,Gikas Hardouvelis.

Another suicide
Another personal tragedy, amid new crackdown of
this government coalition: a 60 year old man,lost his life by falling on electrical lines in Omonia, at the time a train arrived. Temporarily were discontinued routes in Omonia and running routes Piraeus - Thisio and Attica - Kifissia.

Tomorrow the announcement of the Supreme Court for the cleaners
Tomorrow, Thursday will
be announced  the decision of the Supreme Court for reinstatement of the cleaners, at the request of the Ministry of Finance to set aside the first instance judgment that vindicates the workers.

To strike the officials of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Three days of protests ,announced today the administrators of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Meanwhile, a 24-hour strike and protest rally today has the Panhellenic Federation of University administrators, is stuck on the issue of availability. "The matter will be resolved tomorrow," argued earlier, the new minister, Mr Loverdos.

Earthquake in Karpathos
A strong earthquake of Richter 5 , recorded the morning at 6:53 am, in sea southeast of Karpathos. According to the Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory, the focal depth was 93 km.

Threatened “with a padlock” , 89 Creative Entertainment Centers

Under the threat
of padlock ,89 Creative Entertainment Centers across the country, ending in 2013, the funding through the NSRF and related resources have been reduced by 50%. Also 22% has reduced funding for centers that accommodate children with disabilities.

General Court of the European Union: There is no evidence against the Syrian International Islamic Bank
The cancellation of economic sanctions, freezing of funds, at the expense of the Syrian International Islamic Bank decided by the General Court of the European Union. The court took this decision because Brussels failed to demonstrate that there were illegal transactions by the Syrian regime through the bank.

Researched Catholic institutions in Ireland
In Ireland, the government ordered the creation of a commission to investigate the methods of Catholic institutions harboring single mothers but also the terrible revelations of experiments and killing babies and toddlers for decades.


Enough heat ,with a few clouds across the country. The afternoon showers and thunderstorms in Northern Greece and possibly in the mountainous mainland and Crete. Late in the evening expected sporadic showers in the north Aegean Sea, Chalkidiki, Sports Eastern Thessaly and Evia. Up to 34 degrees Celsius the temperature in Athens and Thessaloniki.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54