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News Bulletin in English

Κυριακή, 13/07/2014 - 22:52
Sunday July 13, 2014

--- In the island of Rhodes are today the President of Democracy Carolos Papoulias, the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and a step of the government,to meet the President of China, who made a private visit to the country. Mr Shi Jin Ping flies tomorrow for Brazil to take part in the summit of BRICS as called by the initials of the countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
--- From many sides
are expressed doubts about the causes of the fire in Keratea, which threatened residential areas and leave behind severe damage to homes near the village of Depseliza. Besides the Mayor of Lavreotikis, who suspected yesterday for arson,also Mr  Paul Chaikalis in his today's statement identifies problems and weaknesses in the management of fire and raises questions about arson.
Great success for all the mobilizations "Never on Sunday" in Athens and Thessaloniki, where most shops remained closed and those who opened were quickly closed by the pickets of strike.
Ongoing is the research to find survivors of the shipwreck north of Samos island. Six dead immigrants at the moment, in critical condition the 18 year-old boy, who remains in hospital intubated.

A complaint on misleading advertising of Coca-Cola, contains the announcement of the Panhellenic Federation of Employees working in Bottled Drinks, reminding everyone to boycott as requested by striking employees of the company.

--- Ends
tomorrow the deposit of tax reports while the Finance of Ministry does not allow another time extension.

--- Starts tomorrow
noon, the submition of applications to the supportProgram by paycheck for workers, unemployed and their families of Social Tourism for the period 2014-2015. It provides the support for one to five nights, from 15 September 2014 to 31 August 2015.

In international news ***

--- A
bombshell from Ukraine hit houses in Rostov, Russia,killing a civilian and wounding two others.
The bomb fell near the border with Oukrania in the Russian city of Donetsk,
in the synonymous region of eastern Ukraine where deadly clashes raged.

--- At least 163 Palestinians have been killed
the last five days by the Israeli army in Gaza, according to Palestinian sources. At the same time it is not even discussed the possibility of ceasefire by Israel.

It can't be formed a government in Iraq, which led to the postponement of the crucial meeting of parliament on Tuesday.


Sunny weather throughout the country with showers and thundery in the warmest hours of the day in the highlands of Macedonia and Thrace.
In Attica, generally sunny weather, midday and afternoon hours, however, will grow
cloud. Temperatures will range from 22 to 33 degrees Celsius. In Thessaloniki generally clear weather,but likely to occur rains in the highlands. Temperatures will range from 20 to 31 degrees Celsius.

News Bulletin in English

Κυριακή, 15/06/2014 - 20:39
Sunday, June 15th, 2014
News Bulletin in English

Prime Minister: "Forget the elections"
"Forget the elections" is the message sent out by
the Prime-minister Antonis Samaras, in his first interview, immediately after the elections and the recent reshuffle , in the newspaper'' VHMA''. The Prime Minister heralds interventions within the next six months to benefit the weakest by a complete- as-bound –plan , to reduce all tax burdens fall and by a time horizon of some years.

European Central Bank: “Extend the austerity measures in Greece”
In contrast, extension of austerity measures in Greece as opposed to what it promises in recent days the government's economic team, heralds the European Central Bank, in its monthly economic bulletin, thus contradicting the government officials that said the negotiations with the troika will seek the repeal of emergency solidarity levy and the reduction of high taxation on heating oil.

Not real the data of Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT)
The reduce of unemployment ,showing little while ago Hellenic Statistical Authority's data and which propagandized as a privileged sign of the "success story" election, the government changed "suddenly" and "paradoxically" ... to an increase in post-election!
According to data released by the Hellenic Statistical Authority, the unemployment rate escalated in the first quarter of 2014 to 27.8% from 27.6% recorded in the corresponding period of last year.
The data show that the number of registered unemployed amounted to 1,342,299 persons, an increase of 0.4% compared with the previous quarter and 0.5% compared to the first quarter 2013.

The German service BND (Federal Intelligence Service) monitor
s the Greeks
Emails and communications through Internet from Greece, monitor
s the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), according to documents in the possession of the newspaper NEA. The intercepts, as shown in a document filed during litigation between German lawyer and BND, generally made for reasons of "international terrorism", however it is not clear the size and scope of the Watchers to foreign targets. There are serious questions about the German wiretaps in Greece and if they comply with the strict Greek legislation, raises by the party of SYRIZA.

Antifascist demonstration , today in Thessaloniki
demonstration is organized today at 5pm at the White Tower,by the Antifascist Assembly of Solidarity , as the Golden Dawn will hold an event in Karaiskaki Square ,after the ban concentrations for today by police in the center of Thessaloniki.

Deadline to apologize
on Tuesday for those who got involved in drug trafficking
Deadline to apologize on Tuesday and Wednesday, they took all the 11 arrested
persons ,that were allegedly involved in the case of a large quantity of heroin, more than one tonne detected after a large coordinated operation of the Greek coastguard ,coastguard two stores in Athens, Koropi , Philothei and in cooperation with the Hellenic Police, the Financial Crime and the U.S. Drugs dpt. These six Greek, including a minor, who will apologize on Tuesday and for five Turkish nationals, who will apologize on Wednesday.

It continues the car race climb in Achladokampos
It is stopped   today the movement of vehicles on the old highway of Argos - Tripoli and the two traffic streams to 5 pm at the section of road from the 14th until the 25th kilometer, for the smooth and safe running of race automotive ascent in Achladokampos.

A molotov cocktail at the Embassy of Russia in Kiev
A m olotov cocktail was thrown on Saturday night during a demonstration against the embassy of Russia in Kiev by Ukrainian protesters who had put down before , the Russian flag and turned over cars of the diplomatic corps, after the attack of rebels pro-Russian,in eastern Ukraine who downed military plane by killing 49 occupants.

Showers and thunderstorms, transient local strong ,
are expected for today on the mainland, according to the Greek Weather Services. Initially in the central and eastern Macedonia, Thrace and Thessaly scored rains and strong thunderstorms likely accompanied locally by hail and strong winds. The temperature in Athens will be from 21 to 31 degrees Celsius and in Thessaloniki from 19 to 29 degrees Celsius.

News Bulletin in English

Τετάρτη, 11/06/2014 - 23:33

June 11, 2013 - June 11, 2014 one year “fascist black”

  One year completed today, June 11, from “black “ fascist way , imposed by the coalition of Samaras -Venizelos in the public broadcasting corporation ERT, firing at once 2,656 workers.
Today, at 12.30,
was a rally in Klathmonos involving unions, associations and collectives. It followed a path to the Ministry of Finance, where the cleaners are .
Also at 7 pm, we
call for a rally outside the Radiomegaro ERT, at Mesogeion av. in Agia Paraskevi.
Meanwhile, for
the anniversary day of the “black”, is organized a 3-day and 4-day event on the radios throughout the region, from workers and Solidarity Free Self-Managed ERT, and citizens.
Also, protest rallies will be outside the Greek embassies of European countries.

Catapult IMF's report on Greece
at the same time with the swearing in of the new ministers, released the report of the International Monetary Fund for Greece-a real catapult for the government and what had preached before the election. The IMF notes in its report that fatigue in adaptation ,is now evident that as the program progresses, the political commitment is seriously tested. Thus asking accelerating changes in the labor market, with the release of redundancies. The International Monetary Fund announces more cuts in minimum wage and the maturation.
"Greece is facing not only the troika. There is much to be done. We face a marathon" said the new Minister of Finance ,Gikas Hardouvelis.

Another suicide
Another personal tragedy, amid new crackdown of
this government coalition: a 60 year old man,lost his life by falling on electrical lines in Omonia, at the time a train arrived. Temporarily were discontinued routes in Omonia and running routes Piraeus - Thisio and Attica - Kifissia.

Tomorrow the announcement of the Supreme Court for the cleaners
Tomorrow, Thursday will
be announced  the decision of the Supreme Court for reinstatement of the cleaners, at the request of the Ministry of Finance to set aside the first instance judgment that vindicates the workers.

To strike the officials of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Three days of protests ,announced today the administrators of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Meanwhile, a 24-hour strike and protest rally today has the Panhellenic Federation of University administrators, is stuck on the issue of availability. "The matter will be resolved tomorrow," argued earlier, the new minister, Mr Loverdos.

Earthquake in Karpathos
A strong earthquake of Richter 5 , recorded the morning at 6:53 am, in sea southeast of Karpathos. According to the Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory, the focal depth was 93 km.

Threatened “with a padlock” , 89 Creative Entertainment Centers

Under the threat
of padlock ,89 Creative Entertainment Centers across the country, ending in 2013, the funding through the NSRF and related resources have been reduced by 50%. Also 22% has reduced funding for centers that accommodate children with disabilities.

General Court of the European Union: There is no evidence against the Syrian International Islamic Bank
The cancellation of economic sanctions, freezing of funds, at the expense of the Syrian International Islamic Bank decided by the General Court of the European Union. The court took this decision because Brussels failed to demonstrate that there were illegal transactions by the Syrian regime through the bank.

Researched Catholic institutions in Ireland
In Ireland, the government ordered the creation of a commission to investigate the methods of Catholic institutions harboring single mothers but also the terrible revelations of experiments and killing babies and toddlers for decades.


Enough heat ,with a few clouds across the country. The afternoon showers and thunderstorms in Northern Greece and possibly in the mountainous mainland and Crete. Late in the evening expected sporadic showers in the north Aegean Sea, Chalkidiki, Sports Eastern Thessaly and Evia. Up to 34 degrees Celsius the temperature in Athens and Thessaloniki.