Δελτίο ειδήσεων στα αγγλικά

Saturday, June 14th , 2014

News Bulletin in English

Launched in Athens Pride 2014
Began the events for Athens Pride 2014 ,held for the tenth consecutive year. At 7pm in the afternoon will take place the parade, at 9 pm will begin the concert with participation of many artists.

500 million will enable for uniformed Forces
Around € 500 million will have to find the Greek government following the recent decision of the Council of State ,that justifies all uniformed Forces . Meanwhile, the government is still in the teeth of the availability and redundancy.

Panos Kammenos ,calls on all anti-Memorandum
The doors of his party for all those opposed to the Memorandum, although the voting sometime or went along with the partisan formations voted, opened the Chairman of the Independent Greeks (ANEL)Panos Kammenos ,in his speech that opened the work session of the National Council of the party , on the evaluation of the election result and the next planning period, but stated that this cooperation rather than integration of these strains in the Independent Greeks, and spoke of "a government of Mr Simitis , with Prime Minister Mr Samaras".
Mr. Panos Kammenos also announced a fundamental restructuring of the organizational structures of the party, saying that they change everything and start from the beginning, and finally called the officers and members who want to negotiate with the power to "leave now." The reason for the unsatisfactory levels of his party, was the "unprecedented war" and the "exclusion" from the media, as well as the reduced funding.

SYRIZA records economical lodges to the Public Prosecutor
To submit to the Public Prosecutor, and the Authority for money laundering elements drawn from parliamentary scrutiny and parliamentary function in order to assist in the work of justice, visited yesterday, the parliamentary representative of SYRIZA, Panagiotis Kouroumplis and the responsible Commission for Justice and Transparency,Zoe Konstantopoulou, the economic Advocate of Athens, Panagiotis Athanasiou and the Chairman of the Authority Anti-Money Laundering, Mr Nikoloudis.

Germany is "Our Big Brother"
Emails and communications through Internet from Greece, monitors the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), according to documents in the possession of the newspaper NEA. The intercepts, as shown in document filed during litigation between German lawyer and BND, generally made for reasons of "international terrorism".However it is not clear the size and the extension of the Watchers to foreign targets.
Apart from Greece , the list of the BND containes other 195 countries.

The Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Roof against the Ministry of the Environment
3,500 has reached the number of residential PV owners who have filed against extrajudicial , going against their policy to unilaterally amend their contracts, following the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change. The members of the Hellenic Association of Photovoltaic Property (PASIFOS) involved in legal actions against the law of unilateral modification contracts and call and the other owners to join the club, in order to achieve the massiveness and be expressed in the most formal and dynamic way the intention to ordered legal and illegal political policies of ministry.

Security guard ordered by a Director of NERIT , tried to take down the black flag that was placed by POSPERT, outside the building of ERT in Mesogeion avenue.
Security man,ordered by a Director of NERIT, while he was trying to take down a black flag from a traffic like in Mesogeion avenue yesterday afternoon and after the reaction of some workers in ERTOPEN, did not hesitate to injure with a blade in hand , the general secretary of POSPERT Gabriel Kasimatis. For this "bloody incident" was organized a protest, last night outside ERT's building in Mesogeion
In availability the riot policeman that hit on head one cleaning woman
In availability entered the police riot that was recorded on video, to beat by a punch in the head from behind a cleaner, during the wanton attack of the police, outside the Ministry of Finance.

New York Times: "symbol of resistance the fired cleaning women"
As a symbol of resistance to austerity measures, characterizes the fired cleaning women in the Finance of Ministry, the European version of yesterday's New York Times, which on its front page hosting a photo of the incidents with the police.

Prohibitive the concentration of the Golden Dawn in Thessaloniki
The concentration was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon of the Golden Dawn on the beach of Thessaloniki, was prohibited as well as all the concentrations nearby, following a decision of the Thessaloniki Police Headquarters. Noting that on the occasion of the concentration of fascists, anti-fascist collectives and organizations of the Left ,called for concentration at 17:00 at the White Tower, in order to prevent it.

On Monday will be the funeral of journalist Aris Stathakis
Monday will be the funeral of journalist and deputy of the party ND, Aris Stathakis in the First Cemetery of Athens, who died yesterday at the age of 71 years. The family would be grateful instead of wreaths, the money to be deposited in the club "The Smile of the Child".

World Cup (MUDIAL): At 7 pm ,the match with the Greek National VS National Colombian. Live Broadcast from EPA Network
At 7pm this afternoon is the first match of the national team of Greece against the national team of Colombia , for the World Cup.
The match will be broadcast live from the network of EPA and our representative in Brazil, George Athanasiou.

Spain ,is also in the statistical "Europe cooking"
In the limit of illegality,is the statistical Europe cooking. After Britain and Italy, Spain is the third country in the EU is preparing to include the earnings of prostitution, drug trafficking and smuggling of tobacco in the calculation of GDP, in order to improve the image of financial figures from next September.After the "new cooking" , Spanish GDP is expected to explode to 4.5% from 2.7%, as announced by the statistical office.
In this way Madrid comply with the new European regulations. Italy and Britain have already made similar announcements in recent weeks.
London estimates that revenue from drug trafficking and prostitution may enhance the British GDP of 12.3 billion, that is, slightly less than 1%.

For today Saturday, June 14th , the weather will be clear across the country, but by afternoon in the continental , patsy clouds will be developed at various places by giving scored showers and thunderstorms, in the north. The winds will blow in the western Ionian 2-4 Beaufort and north-western Aegean 3-5 Beaufort. The temperature in Athens will range from 21 to 32 degrees Celsious and in Thessaloniki from 19 to 32 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54