NEWS IN ENGLISH 30/05/2015

The trilateral  meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker in Berlin on Monday are expected to be crucial for the  achievement of an agreement  within the following  days.

183 members of the European Parliament  and MPs from 13 European countries expressed their support for SYRIZA and the Greek government, “for the justification of their struggle against the “only option”, as it is presented ,of austerity in Europe.

According to a communication by PASOK, Mrs. Panariti is the typical representative of political opportunism. “The Greek representative of should have more qualifications than her experience as a former MP of Giorgos Papandreou”, was the comment of POTAMI.

ERT will have restarted  its operation anew by June 11th, stated the new chairman of Greek Radio-television Dionysis Tsaknis  during a meeting with president of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists ( IMNCP) Dimitris Koumbias and secretary Giorgos Savidis.Mr Tsaknis reaffirmed his will to support the reopening of all regional radio stations, after they have been reorganized.In relation to the salaries of the personnel, he made clear that they will be calculated according to the  Joint Ministerial Decision of 2013 and the working experience of ERT employees, including the period that ERT had been closed.


In Japan, a  powerful undersea earthquake 874km from Tokyo at 18:30 local time has been felt across the country. There are no reports of serious damage

The Italian coastguard has announced that more than  4,200 migrants trying to reach Europe have been rescued from boats in the Mediterranean in last 24 hours.


Cloudy weather in most parts of the country with local showers  for the afternoon are forecast for tomorrow.

Temperatures will reach 26 degrees Celsius both in Attica and Thessalonica .
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54