NEWS IN ENGLISH 23/05/2015

The third worker injured at the 8th of May explosion in Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE), 27 year old Antonis Avrambo, finally passed away today.  Panagiotis Lafazanis Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy and Apostolos Alexopoulos, Secretary General of Energy & Raw Materials, stressed the need for a thorough and uncompromising investigation into the causes of the tragic accident.

“The people have trusted the Left for the first time and we must not let them down”, the Prime Minister stated in his speech addressing the conference of the central committee of Syriza.  On the change of attitude of the government in respect to  ERT, he only stated that “ERT should already be working. We are way behind schedule”  

“Mr. Tsipras spoke about the first 100 days of the new government, but said nothing about all the lies that have now been revealed. He is still talking about negotiating, bless his soul!” commented New Democracy spokesman Kostas Karagounis.

“The only thing that’s clear is that the promises made for here and now, have been officially postponed on a four year plan” noted Potami.

“After the awkward smiles, the pleasantries and the flatteries to Mrs. Merkel which revealed the impasse of the so called negotiations in Riga, Mr. Tsipras has appeared before the Central Committee of his party to say that what is crucial for him is not the interest of the country, but the balancing of the internal tendencies within his party and the distribution of power”, PASOK stated in its press release.

PASOK members will be voting tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in order to elect representatives for the 10th conference of the party which will take place on the 5th, 6th and 7th of June.

The regulation of overdue debts to social security funds in 100 installments will end next Tuesday. The Ministry of Labour, Welfare and  Social Insurance is examining the possibility of a one month extension of the program until the end of June.

Employees in the Civil Aviation Authority  have announced a 48-hour warning strike for Sunday, May 31st and Monday 1st of June. They are demanding immediate funding of the  Civil Aviation Authority for maintenance , the creation of a realistic plan  for the development of infrastructure of airports and air naviation and the recruitment of  new personnel since its services are dramatically understaffed. Wages overdue for up to one year are also requested.

Appointments with EOPPY health services will be available for the public through the internet, free of charge. The new system will be in trial operation from the 15th to 30th of June and will start to function fully from the 1st of July.


Five corpses were spotted off the coast of Tunisia. The deceased were migrants who were attempting to reach the Italian coast with two boats last night, which however sunk during the journey. The Italian coastguard rescued 49 people.

In France the parliament voted unanimously for a draft forbidding large supermarkets to dispose of unsold food and forcing them to offer it to charities or to companies that make pet food.

In Dublin, in a referendum with one of the highest turnouts for decades, a large majority voted to legalize same-sex marriages after of a four-decade struggle for gay rights.


Local showers and occasional storms are forecast for central Macedonia  for tomorrow. Fair weather for the rest of the country, in the south clouds of African dust. Temperatures in Attiki will reach 27 degrees  Celsius and in Thessaloniki 26 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54