News in English - 30/06/2014

Monday June 30, 2014


- 48 hours repeated strikes on the sell of PPC, has declared

GENOP from the day after, on July 2, a day on which the disputed

bill. It will also shut down plants in Western Macedonia, as decided

by the local labor union, Spartacus, which calls for new rally

tonight at 8:30pm in Edessa, against the sale of as called “small

PPC”. Under the slogan "Hands off the PPC", tomorrow, 8.30

pm in the main square of Megalopolis, concentration organize

the Municipality, the unions at the center of PPC lignite, the

Association of 8 month Contract works, different associations, the

Labor Center of Arcadia and other social actors. In solidarity with

the struggle of workers PPC competitors remain employees of


- In the other side , the coalition goverment prepares harsh

response to demonstrations, with first move the courts , to declare

the abuse, while not excluding even political mobilization of


- Six prisoners on hunger strike - one of whom is a minor from

prison Vlora-transferred to the prison hospital of Korydallos. Over

four and a half thousand prisoners across the country continue for

7th day hunger strike against the government's decision to

establish a maximum security prison, denying them any right.

A team of volunteer doctors and nurses are at Korydallos to

examine the hunger strikers. Also the detainees are on

medication, say they support the strikers and that unless their

demands are met, and they will participate in the hunger strike,

despite health problems.

At the same time the Ministry of Justice and “vested” media

ignoring the issue, although the ​v​arious contributions are made as

support of the hunger strikers in Athens and other cities.

- In progress was the symbolic exclusion of Residency of

Kalamata, till one half at noon, from agencies and citizens

involved in the initiative "No Chemicals in the Mediterranean."

Initiative members distribute material and inform the public about

the serious risks of the business confidential destruction of Syrian

chemical weapons on a ship of the U.S. fleet in the sea area south

of the Peloponnese and western Crete. They are also invited all

the citizens to participate in a nationwide rally of Athens, on

Friday, July 11th

- Ends today the deadline for submission of statements about

social dividend. The applications were rejected and those were

submitted to date will be considered based on the new income

limits of 7.050 instead of 6.000 euros. However, the increased

taxes and continuous reductions, essentially take back the

supposed social benefits of cohabitation.

- Tomorrow, Tuesday, will be paid the pensions of July of the

Agricultural Insurance Organisation to 703,269 pensioners. The

payment will be made to the bank account or accounts of Hellenic

Posts , chosen by retirees.

- Demonstrations starts ADEDI, against redundancies and

availability with rallies at 15.00 across the country. The

concentration of Athens outside the Finance of Ministry,

participates POE-OTA, which in the morning goes on symbolic

occupations of town halls and other premises. The mobilizations

of ADEDI escalate on July 9, with a 24-hour nationwide strike over

the public , with rallies and marches across the country.

- Press conference was organized this time in the center of

Athens by KERFAA, due to the attacks and torturing immigrant

workers at strawberries, in Manolada. This morning was also in
progress, the trial of Patras owners and caretaker of the plantation.

- With two text pages apologized today to the investigating judge

and Member of the Golden Dawn party, Artemis Mattheopoulos,

accused of membership and directing a criminal organization.

- Today decides in a general meeting the commandership of the National

Technical University of Athens, whether to continue the occupation or look

for other ways of mobilizations.

In international news

- Suffocation caused the death of at least 30 people, in a fishing

boat with a total of 590 migrants, detected at night by the Italian

Navy near Sicily. The boat was safely towed to the port of Potsalo.

- In Australia, resigned the bishop of the armed forces because of

his involvement in a pedophile scandal, accused of sexual abuse

of a minor.


in the Syntagma square

Cloudy today, with cloudy at noon in the west and north and

possible thunderstorms. Gradual weakening of the winds in the

Aegean sea. Clear weather in Athens, with the temperature of 19 -

33 degrees Celsius .

In Thessaloniki initially clear weather but by noon will occur

cloudy and temporary thunderstorms, mainly in the highlands.

Temperatures will range from 20 to 31 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Δευτέρα, 30/06/2014 - 19:57