News in English - 27/06/2014

Extension granted for income declarations submission

The Ministry of Finance announced an extension for natural person income declaration submission for the year 2013 until Monday, July 14 instead of June 30 that has been the original deadline.
According to data, 3.8 million income declarations had been submitted until yesterday Thursday with another 2 million pending.

Extraordinary solidarity tax and unilateral property tax under debate with the Troika
Greek Finance Ministry sets the extraordinary solidarity tax and unilateral property tax under debate with the Troika while seeking alternative revenues in order to present a surplus.  On the other hand it keeps reducing wages and pensions and announces more civil servants layoffs.

Prisoners continue hunger strike
Four thousand prisoners continue hunger strike in prisons across the country protesting against the creation of a maximum security prison by the government and the horrible conditions of treatment and detention in Greek penal institutions.
Prison guards have also declared work stoppages complaining against the lack in prison staff.

Another two Golden Dawn deputies face charges
Two Golden Dawn deputies, A. Gregos and P. Zisimopoulos were scheduled to face two special magistrates with the charges of participating and running a criminal organization.

Strong protests against Public Power Corporation “sell-out” bill
Amid fierce reactions to the sell-out of the Public Power Corporation (DEI), the bill for the “small PPC” will be introduced to the Parliament on Wednesday next, July 2. Primary unions have declared repeated 48-hour strikes. Local labour union “Spartacus” has decided the closure of the PPC unit in Western Macedonia region.
SYRIZA leader, Alexis Tsipras, has called for a unilateral people’s front against the bill.

NERIT to hire private crews at the cost of 2 million euros
State broadcaster NERIT (New Hellenic Radio Television Internet) decided to hire private technical crews for its productions at the annual cost of 2 million euros. This decision paves the path towards a degradation of labour conditions despite the Greek government’s declarations so far.

Jean-Claude Juncker most likely to be elected Commission president
Despite objections mainly from UK and Hungary, Jean Claude Juncker seems now to be the final choice for the European Commission’s presidency. Angela Merkel stated that it is most likely for Juncker to be elected for the presidency at the current EU summit, although not unanimously.

Major agreement signed between Ukraine and EU
European Union signed a financial and trade association agreement with Ukraine on Friday. Agreements with Moldava and Georgia are forthcoming. Moscow officials said Russia will undertake measures to protect its markets against the West. 

Deadly state-owned pipeline explosion in India
At least 15 people were killed and 18 sustained injuries after a gas leakage and blast in a pipeline of state-owned Gas Authority of India Limited inAndhra Pradesh early Friday. Causes still remain unknown. 

Weather forecast for Saturday
Local showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon mainly in the northern mountain regions as heat wave eases gradually.
Hot weather with scattered clouds and a few local showers in Athens with temperatures ranging from 21 to 38 degrees Celsius. Same weather in Thessaloniki with temperatures ranging from 23 to 33 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54