News in English - 23/06/2014

Debate on “small PPC (Public Power Corporation)” at Megaron Maximou
The issue of a "small PPC" was addressed at the PM’s office at Megaron Maximou, in a meeting the Greek premier had with the ministers of PASOK , this afternoon.  The aim was to overcome any serious objections so that the bill - a prerequisite for the next 2-billion tranche – may be finally introduced to the Greek Parliament.

Postponing the payment of child benefit
For the July 18, from 11, is  postpon
ed the payment of child benefit in the second quarter  of 2014 ,for  more than 700,000 beneficiaries.

The seafarers were  judged d today in  Kavala 
In Kavala judged  today  the 28 sailors (8 of them were retired) cause they had  participate  in the nationwide strike on 11 March 2010 and 14 June 2012, by the category of ... "obstructing public transport." In the first trial, which has ended , from the first group, all were acquitted, while is still  in progress the second  trial.

Support  to the FinMin cleaners in Heraklion, Crete
In Liberty Square in  Heraklion, in the island of Crete, is organized a dynamic support to  the 595 cleaners who continue their struggle until the final vindication. The Solidarity Initiative in Heraklion VIO.ME Calls workers, unemployed, pensioners, collectives, unions, political parties and organizations of Heraklion, like every citizen solidarity, to be present.

Solidarity and employees of Industrial Mining
Also a solidarity became the morning outside the Ministry of Labour, for employees of INDUMI, who met with Deputy and then visit the militant cleaning women , outside the Ministry of Finance.

OLME met with the leadership of the Ministry of Education
After the morning rally, a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Education in Maroussi , has this time OLME ,  for  the availability and redundancies, evaluating teachers and other serious issues of public education.

Outside the Stadium of Peace and Friendship, dismissed “Metropolis” staff protest.
A rally outside the Peace and Friendship Stadium ,at 19.30 pm, will be held by  employees dismissed by “Metropolis” shops, during the event  of MAD music awards.

Prisoners escalate their reactions
After the three-day abstinence rations, the Race Committee of  Prisons , escalate the  actions  against the bill of  establishing a maximum security prison, with a mass hunger strike of prisoners  from today, in all the prisons of the country.

"Golden Dawn" deputy got time to questioned in the investigator
Deadline for June 30  for the deputy of  Golden Dawn  party, Anestis Mattheopoulos, who had been called to account today for the charge of integration and directing a criminal organization.

It  began, the  submitting for the prospective in National  Exams
From tomorrow, Tuesday,  is turned on  the electronic application of  submission, in split selection for  universities. From June 18, the  candidates attending their high school  to create their personal password so they can submit  electronically  their split selection.

Published tables by ASEP for administrators of universities
Published by ASEP  the final  tables for availability of administrators of University. The strike continues, while still occupied the premises of Technical University and the University of Patras. Today and  on Sunday  June 29,  will also remain closed the  Technological  Institutes in  Lamia, in Central Greece, Chalkida,  Amfissa, Karpenissi, Thebes, by a decision of the Senate, cause they  have not gotten any grant for 2014.

In international news

Another senator, was also surrendered to Philippine authorities for corruption
In the Philippines, another senator today surrendered to the  authorities, after a warrant for his arrest for corruption, cause he  embezzled  agricultural funds of Congress, which were funneled to nonexistent cooperatives.

In Baghdad, the American Foreign Minister
After Cairo, the American foreign minister arrived unannounced  in Baghdad to discuss with the Shiite government the serious situation of the march of extremists of  ISIS.

The Egyptian Court  decides today  for journalists of  Al Jazeera
The Egyptian court  decides  today for the detainees journalists and employees of  television network  of Al Jazeera,who are  accused of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

Cloudy, with a few winds and cloudy at afternoon on  the mainland. Fair in Athens, with northerly winds to 5 Beaufort and temperature of 19-31 degrees Celsius, and a little lower in the north and east.  
Similar weather in  Thessaloniki, with cloudy surrounding  mountains at after noon and temperature of 19-29 degrees Celsius
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54