News in English - 8/07/2014

The political confrontation between the government and the main opposition party is escalating, as the SYRIZA is trying to collect 120 signatures in order to discuss the possibility of a referendum on the Public Power Company. 

The government spokeswoman Sophia Voultepsi said that "there is no question of convening a session of Parliament" to consider the proposals of the opposition for a referendum and expressed the view that the proposals, put forward by the parties, are not alike and that "the only ones that are coincident are those of the SYRIZA, the Independent Greeks party and the Golden Dawn party".

The chairman of the House Vagelis Meimarakis said that the debate should be done immediately and not in October and reiterated that the recommendations of the parties must be "similar", stressing that he measures the proposals and not the political statements of the parties.

In the meantime, the executives of the SYRIZA are expressing their satisfaction for the pace in which the contacts with the other opposition parties and the independent deputies are developing as far as concerns the collecting of the 120 signatures. The SYRIZA considers positively the aspect of the Democratic Left party and the Greek Communist party, even though they are submitting separate proposals for a referendum.

The government is trying to induce a turnover in the trade union law by promoting for discussion with the troika four key changes, which relate to the decision taking on strikes, the financing of the unions, the lockout and the trade licenses. 

The SYRIZA accused the government that it is attempting to abolish the citizens' rights to the strike and the unionization.

The operation of the shops in the tourist areas, all Sundays of the year, has provoked strong reactions from merchants, members of the coalition government and the main opposition party. The president of Trade Union Vasilis Korkidis expressed bitterness and disappointment over the development of the issue, while the deputy Minister of Development GerasimosGiakoumatos argued that the law was passed in April after the completion of the planned consultation.

We should remind that the Mr Korkidis, in his letter to the prime minister, announced her resignation from the New Democracy institutions, thus expressing his disagreement with the operation of the shops all Sundays of the year.

The Ministry of Administrative Reform introduced a new bill, according to which, those citizens who have commited fraud or other offense or have ceased any economic activity, will face an inhibition of the Tax Identification Number.

The former Managing Director of the NERIT George Prokopakis in his appeal to the Supreme Court, he is complaining that his ouster is due to political considerations and interests. Mr Prokopakis said that those who imposed his premature removal wanted to staff the NERIT according to the party ideology and not according to the needs of the program.

The tension in Israel is escalating. After a troubled night for the inhabitants of the southern regions, with the Israeli air force striking 50 positions of Hamas in Gaza, the Palestinians stroke with rockets from the Palestinian territories to the Israeli areas. The raids are part of wide-range army operations that Israel has begun and it is warning that they will be long lasting, while leaving open the possibility of starting ground operations.

Kiev has rejected the unilateral declaration of a new ceasefire, posing as a condition the handing over of the guns of the pro-Russian militants. At the same time, after the recapture of Slaviansk, the Ukrainian army have targeted Donetsk, where the pro-Russian gunmen have dropped.

The weather

The weather will be sunny and hot tomorrow throughout the country. The winds will be moderate and will blow from western directions. The temperature will reach 36 degrees Celsius in Athens and 32 degrees Celsius in Thessaloniki.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54