News in English

Changes in taxation from 2015
New “loop neck” for those that still working.By the new year,2015, are coming radical changes in taxation, as employers or insurance funds, will deduct monthly (!) from the salary or pension the 1/12 of the annual taxes on total income wage of earners and pensioners. With this measure , they hope to tackle soaring arrears of dept ,for those who are unable to pay.

Scenarios for reshuffle on Monday
Monday of the Holy Spirit ,put the reshuffle the cards of private channels.

Concentration of immigrants from outside the courts of Patras
Dozens of immigrants have gathered outside the courts of Patras, which now starts at Gross Certificated Court, the trial for shooting at dozens of immigrants, in April last year in New Manolada. For this case are indicted four people for shots, of whom 28 were injured foreign workers in strawberry crops.

For "directing a criminal organization" is accused, deputy of the fascist party Golden Dawn
For the category of membership and directing a criminal organization, apologizes in the investigating judge ,the deputy the Golden Dawn, Dimitris Koukoutsis.

All the scandals are barred by the sudden closure of the Parliament
Limitation and cite for the unseen future, for all outstanding scandals that were going to be discussed in the plenary of the Parliament, after the surprise closure of parliament.
By the end of this Parliament and the start of summer courses from June 16th, there are probably barred scandals, such as our entry to the International Monetary Fund, the shearing of deposits, the list Lagarde ,the armament programs and other serious corruption cases.

Gathering outside ERT on Wednesday, June 11th
On Wednesday, June 11th , is organized a rally outside ERT, to protest against the fascist black, imposed by the Government in the Public Broadcasting, firing in one night 2,600 employees. We condemning once again for the vicious government’s construct channel , NERIT, and squandering of public money, crony appointments, gift contracts and external productions given with an opaque manner. The same things also have been denounced by appointed chairmen and directors, who after were sent away and been replaced by others.

Municipalities of Thessaloniki area, revoke their decisions by which vested rights and facilities were given in Thessaloniki Water Supply Agency, in view of the sale

In revocation of decisions by which donated facilities and networks were given in hessaloniki Water Supply Agency ,are directed eleven municipalities of the city, which supplied water from TWSA, ahead of its sale to individuals.

Robbery scented terrorism
Armed robbery occurred yesterday at the branch of Piraeus Bank ,in Sykourio of Larissa - robbery scented terrorism. All options are being considered by the Counterterrorism Service.

Ongoing bombings in Kabul
In Kabul, twin bombings suffered the convoy of Afghan president candidate Abdullah. He escaped unharmed but there are some wounded. The second round of the presidential election is next week and is confident the election of Abdullah.

Migrants were rescued by the Italian Navy
Nearly 2,500 migrants aboard 17 ships, survived the last 24 hours, by the Italian Navy and other ships. Most are refugees from Syria, Ethiopia, Libya and sub-Saharan Africa.

Good weather in most areas, with a few clouds, showers likely and scattered thunderstorms. The maximum temperature in Athens and Thessaloniki at 29 degrees Celsius.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54