news in english

SYRIZA’s proposal about ERT was rejected

The proposal for the creation of an inquiry committee regarding ERT that was submitted by the opposition party, SYRIZA, (the coalition of the Radical Left) has been rejected by the Parliament with one hundred sixty three votes against and eighty four votes in favor. The two parties of the coalition government, New Democracy and Pasok as well as Democratic Left (Dimar) voted against. Syriza together with the communist party of Greece KKE and the Independent Greeks (AnEL) voted for the proposal. The neo-nazist party of Golden Dawn, though it had stated that it supports the proposal, at the end, it was absent and did not vote.
ERT’s employees remain at the premises

The State Deputy of the Public Radio and Television, Mr Kapsis, spoke yesterday at the Parliament. He stated that, in a few days time, it will be proclaimed the employment of five hundred employees at NERIT, the New Hellenic Television Radio and Internet will be publicized. As to the discussions he had with the employees of ERT, he commented that “there has been an answer regarding all the practical issues, but a group of organized labour and possibly members of political parties are decided not to leave the premises of ERT”.
The Trade Union of ERT’s Employees (POSPERT) on answering to Mr Kapsis states that “in the premises of ERT there are only employees of ERT who are working twenty four hours applying the ruling of the Council of State. “
The employees of ERT held a general meeting, yesterday, Thursday eighteenth of July. They rejected Mr Kapsis’ request to evacuate the premises of ERT at Agia Paraskevi.
The employees have clarified that they will remain at the premises of ERT and will continue broadcasting television and radio program until there will be a fair solution about ERT. They call Mr Kapsis to proceed to “an honest dialogue based on principles and arguments”.  

Dionysis Tsaknis does not recognize the Public Television

The music composer, Dionysis Tsaknis, announced that he will proceed to legal actions if the Public Television, that he characterized as “television monster” continues broadcasting his work. He emphasized that the only public television that he recognizes is the one that broadcasts legally through internet under the total control of its employees that were dismissed on the eleven of June.

24 hours strike from the trade unions of the Press

The trade unions of the Press have announced a twenty four hour strike for today, Friday nineteenth of July, at the private channels- members of DIGEA (Alpha, Ant1, Mega, Makedonia, Skai and Star).  Today, the meeting of the Parliamentary will have the final discussion and will proceed on the voting of the bill regarding NERIT, the new public television radio and Internet broadcasting entity. The Unions announced that their strike fight will last long, "as it is a constant demand to prove that the employees of ERT are not alone".  It is a solidarity action and a reaction to the decrease of employment at the Mass Media.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54