News in English - 4/11/2013

Fear of violence escalation after Golden Dawn members murder

A climate of fear for further escalation of violence has been created in Greece after two members of Golden Dawn party were murdered in a drive-by shooting last Friday in Athens, right outside the party’s local office at the suburb of Neo Herakleion. Two people were mortally wounded and a third person remains hospitalised in critical condition.

Public Order minister Nikos Dendias expressed his grief for the death of the two young men and stated that all culprits will have to face the law.

Greek FinMin to meet with the Troika delegation tomorrow

Greek Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras will meet with the Troika delegationtomorrow Tuesday at noon. The issue of the true size of the fiscal gap for the year 2014

still remains unresolved. Mr. Stournaras claims it to be 500 million euros while the Troika estimates it to more than 2.5 billion euros.

Moreover, the Troika demands lay-offs of defence industry workers, the completion of the mobility measure affecting 12,500 civil servants, 4,000 civil servants to be dismissed by the end of the year and a bill to be submitted to the parliament on the real estate taxation, that will anticipate at least 3.5 billion euros.

General strike on November 6

A general strike for Wednesday, November 6, has been declared by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Association of Civil Servants (ADEDY). The call is for 11 am at Pedion Areos in the centre of Athens.

Buses will run from 9 am to 9 pm. The metropolitan and the electric railway and the tram service will be running as usual.

Alexis Tsipras to address International Conference "Can the Eurozone be saved?" 

Radical Left Coalition leader Alexis Tsipras will deliver a speech today at the International Conference organised by Texas University under the title “Can the Eurozone be saved?”

His speech will be on “Alternatives for Greece.”

Public Services International (PSI) action network at ERT premises

A delegation of the “Public Services International” action network that will be in Athens from today November 4 to November 8, in the context of collaboration with the Civil Servants Association, visited ERT headquarters today and had a meeting with ERT employees trade union POSPERT.

PSI is an international syndicate confederation representing 20 million people working in public services in 150 countries.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54