News in English

News in English 08.10.13

Nearly a third of the IMF board's members, representing more than 40 non-European countries, raised major objections to the first Greek bailout's design according to Wall Street Journal.

Many objected that it placed all the burden of a painful adjustment on the Greeks while asking nothing of its European creditors. Several suggested the bailout was doomed to fail unless Greece's creditors reduced some of the financially troubled country's towering debt burden.

The Greek police Internal Affairs department has put under scrutiny 35 police stations that are thought to have been «turning a blind eye» to Golden Dawn’s illegal actions. Ten police officers have already been suspended.

The Greek police «untouchables» investigate more than eighty cases of racist violence in which police officers have been implicated.


According to a GPO poll in all Greek territory, from October 3rd to October 7th, seven in ten citizens consider Golden Dawn as a threat to democracy, and believe that it has been tolerated by the state, the legal system and society. Moreover, a 60% estimates that the arrests do not signify the political end of Golden Dawn.

Greek Finance ministry received 1.3 billion Euros through the release of six-month state bonds, with the rate falling from the 4.20% it was last September, to 4.15 %


Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, had a meeting today with his Israeli counterpart, Benjamin Netanyahu, in Israel where he has just started an official visit.

The ultimate goal of the visit is the development of a strategic connection between the two countries and the strengthening of collaboration in the energy and defence fields.

The Greek Premier also met with Jerusalem’s Patriarch, Theofilos, and Israeli President, Simon Peres.


Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54