News in English - 28/08/2013

Syria: American forces ready to strike

Αmerican naval forces in the eastern Mediterranean sea are ready to hit targets in Syria, as soon as they receive president Obama's orders. According to NBC News missile strikes could start as soon as tomorrow, Thursday.

However, Russia reiterated its opposition to the eventuality of a military intervention in Syria, forseeing a further destabilisation of the country as well as the region.

Syrian representative in United Nations maintains that the rebels used chemical weapons in order to provoke foreign intervention.

Meanwhile, the Greek government states that it has not received any official request to participatein a military intervention in Syria.

Five-month employment programme for 50,000

A new five-month labour contract programme concerning 50,000 unemployed people whose families' members are all unemployed has been announced by the competent ministers. Net wages will be 490 euros per month for those above 25 and 427 euros per month for those under 25.

Angela Merkel blames political rivals for debt crisis

German chancellor Angela Merkel points the finger at her predecessor Gerhart Shreder for the debt crisis, by stating that he should not have allowed Greece to join eurozone.  Addressing 1,000 political supporters she stated that former chancellor Schreder allowed the entrance ofGreece and destabilized the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF).

Schaeuble: "New bailout package for Greece up to 11 billions"

According to German Finance Minister Wolfgang Scheuble the new bailout package forGreece will amount to 11 billion euros. He reiterated that there will be no new "haircut" and dismissed Social Democrats' allegations which estimate that Greece will need 77 billion euros by the year 2020. 

Political leaders dismiss "Public Television"- DT and support ERT employees

Political leaders met with ERT journalists yesterday and expressed their outright opposition to the so-called "Public Television", making the commitment not to participate in any broadcasts of the transition entity. They also stated that they recognize ERT as the only public broadcaster and support its employees' ongoing struggle.

President of the Radical Left Coalition, Alexis Tsipras, reiterated his intention to re-establish the former ERT institutional framework when he comes to power.

Independent Greeks president, Panos Kammenos, stated that his party's presence in Thessaloniki International Fair will be covered by members of the party and asked for the contribution of ERT employees.

Democratic Left president Fotis Kouvelis praised ERT employees for their work these past 2.5 months. Secretary General of the Greek Communist Party, Demetris Koutsoumpas, pointed out the importance of ERT employees' struggle for an independent public broadcaster at the service of the people.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54