News in English - 26/08/2013

The government decided to suspend thousands of civil servants

In villa Maximos the conference of the Government Council of Administrative Reform, chaired by the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, was completed around noon.
The Council focused on the restructuring of ministries and entities since today, the fate of 4.900 employees from ministries and entities of the public sector will be judged. They will be suspended before mid September.
The consolidation of Defense Industries is swiftly moving along. It is a procedure through which there will be a distinct cost reduction while it is not unlikely that a number of employees will be fired.
The final decisions will be taken during September, since Greece has made a commitment towards Troika to dismiss 2.000 people until the end of the year.

The public sector demonstrates against the layoffs

ADEDY, the Supreme Administration of Civil Servants Trade Unions has called a meeting today with its federations in order to decide about the culmination of its mobilizations against the “ongoing pogrom of layoffs of dozens of thousands of civil servants”. A strike and a rally have already been scheduled in Athens for Thursday while on Friday the General Council of ADEDY will meet in order to decide about strikes during September.
ADEDY accuses the government of “imposing the complete dissolution of public services in Education, Health and Local Authority, rushing to realize all of troika’s demands”.

The minister of Finance rejects debt haircut

Giannis Stournaras declared in the german newspaper Handelsblatt that “Greece doesn’t need a second debt haircut because the country can reduce its debt in other ways, like the easing of conditions in the already existing aid packages”. The minister of Finance talked about “returning to the debt purchase markets” during the second semester of 2014 so that we “test the waters”.

The haste of mr Stournaras to align with the german “no” towards the debt haircut undermined any negotiation” expressed in his personal twitter account Dimitris Papadimoulis, parliamentary spokesman for the Coalition of the radical left.

Increase in damages from ERT’s closing

The Professional Journalists’ Movement announced that according to detailed data about the first semester of 2013, Mr Kedikoglou and mr Kapsis are directing more than 10 million euros towards the private channels with ERT’s closing and the governmental operetta of the transition entity.
This amount represents the share of current gross billings that corresponds to ERT. Sponsorships and rights from television transmissions, athletic and cultural international organizations and satellite programs are not included in this sum, a fact that increases the damage.
The Professional Journalists’ Movement talked about infidelity towards the Public Sector’s interest and the person accountable for that is the liquidator of the Ministry of Finance with his political managers.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Δευτέρα, 26/08/2013 - 21:40