NEWS IN ENGLISH 25/04/2015

The Eurogroup in Riga, Latvia, ended with the Eurozone Finance Ministers stating that there is no plan for Greece other than its remaining in the Eurozone.

In an interview to newspaper REAL NEWS,  Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis stated that “it is our duty to convince our partners that we are struggling for radical reforms and prudent fiscal policies”.

Leader of New Democracy Antonis Samaras attacked the government addressing a regional conference of the party in Patra, with the accusation that the efforts of the previous government to lead the country out of the crisis have been wasted.

“The Greek government has received mandate to negotiate a change of policy within the euro and not for a heroic exit”, stressed leader of DIMAR Fotis Kouvelis  in a speech to the central committee of the party.

“We have reached the moment that every one must resume one’s responsibility, first of all the President of the Republic, so that Greece will remain in the heart of Europe” answered leader of Potami, Stavros Theodorakis to the statement of the President of the Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos that he will do everything within his jurisdiction in order to ensure the steady course of Greece in the Eurozone.

In a meeting in the Maximos Mansion today, the Prime Minister  assured regional governors and mayors that the measure ordering the transfer of public entities’ cash reserves to the Bank of Greece is an emergency and temporary action that will soon be withdrawn.

The Communist Party tabled an amendement on the Bill concerning the re-opening of ERT, demanding the full restoration of the function of ERT S.A. with the complete spectrum of its activities, as well as the total restoration of the redundant personnel of ERT S.A. with no discriminations, in the positions they had on June 11 2013, reasoning that ERT S.A. was never lawfully closed down.

12 persons were arrested near the Toumba football stadium for the assaults that took place last night in Thessalonica.

Employees of the Euromedica Rehabilitation Centre in Larissa who remain unpaid for more than 8 months continue their strikes.


In Nepal, after the 7.8 Richter earthquake that shook the country, the death toll has reached 1100 people and is still rising. Numerous buildings have collapsed in the capital Kathmandu and the city of Pokhara where rescuers are digging through the rubble trying to reach survivors, estimated to number hundreds. Tremors were felt as far as Pakistan, Bangladesh and India, with avalanches on Mount Everest causing the death of eight people.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to Nepalese President Ram Baran Yadav, for civilian casualties and extreme destruction by the earthquake in Nepal, Kremlin press service announced.Russia's Emergencies Ministry offered Nepal help and announced that it was ready to send rescuers to the country


Fair weather is forecast for tomorrow by the National Meteorological Service. Cloudiness in continental regions in the afternoon. In the east limited visibility in the morning and conditions allowing the transfer of dust in the south of the country. In Attica temperatures will reach 21 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica 20 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54