NEWS IN ENGLISH 02/12/2014

A press conference for Nickos Romanos and the other three hunger strikers was organized by their parents this morning in the self-managed theatre EMBROS. The theatre was packed with journalists and supporters of the four. “The Minister of Justice will be held responsible for whatever happens,” said father of Nickos Romanos, “The life of my child is in grave danger”.

When it was Petros’ Konstantinou turn to speak, his demand that the microphone of government broadcaster NERIT should be removed was strongly applauded.

The story of Nickos Romanos has stirred considerable interest in Greece and abroad.

In Parliament SYRIZA MP Tassos Kourakis asked the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Haralambos Athanasiou to intervene as the law allows prison inmates to study but   Mr. Athanasiou, supported in his opinion by ex far right MP Athanasios Plevris, answered that the matter was beyond his jurisdiction. SYRIZA MPs Zoe Konstantopoulou and Baso Katrivanou made representations to the Minister of Justice noting that“ the credibility of the State is tested, since it owes Nikos Romanos the fair and humane treatment any Law State guarantees its citizens.”

In the centre of Athens more than 8,000 people are marching in solidarity to Nickos Romanos and his friends this evening, while smaller demonstrations are being held in Thessalonica and several other cities.

Tomorrow a new demonstration is programmed for 5p.m. in Kallithea square in Thessalonica and for 6 p.m. in front of the Egaleo underground station in Athens.

New Democracy MPs Adonis Geordiadis and Athanassios Plevris, said that the Syrian refugees who have been demonstrating for days in front of the Parliament, asking for asylum and travel documents, should be removed in order not to disturb the much awaited for by shop owners Christmas crowds.

However there are seven crucial questions by the European Court of Human Rights where the Syrians have appealed yet to be answered by the government by the 5th of December.

The government is in a difficult position as it is still not clear whether the troika will be coming to Greece. A new political party named RIZES (Roots) is being formed by former New Democracy general secretary Panagiotis Baltakos who was forced to resign after his relations with members of Golden Dawn were revealed, obviously targeting voters of Golden Dawn. MPs Christos Zois and Vassilios Kapernaros have already announced they will be joining him.

The European Courts have decided to impose a 10 million euro fine to Greece as the local authorities have not implemented a 2005 ruling on the country’s illegal landfills. According to the 2005 ruling, Greece was found to not take sufficient measures to close down and rehabilitate the several hundred illegal landfills operating throughout the country.

Fears that the University of Athens will soon be unable to function are expressed in a resolution by the Senate, in which it ‘Urgently and Anxiously” appeals to the government for the immediate financial support of the Institution, as this year’s funding is reduced by 74% compared to 2009, creating a serious deficit of at least 9.5 million euros in the expenditure coverage of the University.

Students of the Faculty of Turkish and Contemporary Asian Studies gave a press conference   today protesting about the unsuitability of the building, lack of equipment,  staff shortage and the indifference of the State towards their serious functional  problems.

President of Cyprus Nickos Anastasiadis will be subjected to an open heart surgery in New York today. The national road from Korinthos to Patras will be closed from 4p.m.  tomorrow to Thursday 7a.m. ,between the junctions of Kiato and Xylokastro, due to necessary works.


A truce has been agreed between the Ukrainian government and the separatists of Lougansk. According to the organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) both sides have agreed to full ceasefire starting from December 5th and to complete withdrawal of heavy weapons from December 6th.From the side of the Ukrainian leadership, however, Andrei Lysenko stated that he has not been informed on the matter and that if there is a withdrawal of forces it should be synchronized.


Cloudy weather is forecast for tomorrow, with rains and storms initially in the west and north and gradually throughout the largest part of the country, according to the National Meteorological Service. Temperatures in Athens will range from 7 to 21 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica from 11to 14 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54