NEWS IN ENGLISH 01/12/2014

Although the Greek government has retreated from the alleged “red lines” it had drawn, in hope of reaching a compromise with the troika, the European Commission has merely noted that there is “some approach” of views between the two sides. The finance team of the government has sent an e-mail to the troika indicating  they are willing to discuss a number of unpopular measures to be implemented immediately.

“After the talks in Paris, there was some approach of views.  Discussions are underway to complete the assessment " repeated the European Commission spokesman Margaritis Schinas. He added that the matter is expected to be discussed in the Eurogroup on the 8th of December.TheGreek proposal includes, among others, a pension freeze until 2018, an increase in the pension age to 62 years by 2019, increasing the minimum insurance requirements to 20 years for those born after 1975, stricter criteria for Social Solidarity Benefits for pensioners, public sector salary reductions for new employees from January 1, 2015, and Hotel VAT increase from 6.5% to 13%.

Syriza leader, Alexis Tsipras met with Government vice-president and Foreign affairs minister, Evangelos Venizelos today at 1 pm in order to discuss recent developments in national affairs. Mr. Venizelos commented that the discussion was “substantial and interesting”, while the opposition leader noted that “ matters of 

Foreign policy require national policy planning, composure and sobriety.” Mr. Tsipras added that only foreign policy was discussed during the meeting.

Panagiotis Melasis now an independent MP after announcing his departure from the Independent Greeks (ANEL) in a letter addressed to the Speaker of the Parliament  on Monday. It is reminded that Mr. Melas decided to depart from the party due to his disagreement with party presidentPanos Kammenos who instructed his MPs to cast a negative vote in the upcoming Presidential elections in order to prompt early elections. As Mr. Melas will maintain his seat in Parliament the Independent Greeks (ANEL) party is left with 12 MPs.

We are in the 22nd day of Nickos Romanos hunger strike and his health is continuously deteriorating, announced family doctor Lina Vergopoulou. Giannis Michailides, the other prison inmate  who is on a hunger strike in solidarity to his friend Romanos, has been hospitalised while two other prisoners who were convicted with Romanos for the armed robbery in Velvedo, A. Bourzoukos and D. Politis, have also started this extreme form of protest as from today.

In Parliament SYRIZA MP Tassos Kourakis asked the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights Haralambos Athanasiou to intervene as the law allows prison inmates to study, however  Mr. Athanasiou answered that the matter was beyond his responsibility. SYRIZA MPs Zoe Konstantopoulou and Baso Katrivanou made representations to the Minister of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights expressing their concern as “ the credibility of the State is tested, since it owes Nikos Romanos the fair and humane treatment any Law State guarantees its citizens.”

In the meantime the staff of the General Hospital “G.Gennimatas” where Nickos Romanos is being treated and the Association of Hospital Doctors of Athens and Piraeus have protested for the legal pressure asserted on doctors to force feed patients who are on a hunger strike and for the overwhelming presence of police in hospitals which is in stark contrast to the lack of staff and resources  where they are badly needed. They also refuse to become instruments of political enforcement and urge the government not to deny Nickos Romanos  his rights.

One of the HIV positive women who had been detained by the police, forcibly tested, charged with felony and publicly exposed when their mug shots and personal data were published in the media in 2012, committed suicide.After the HIV witch-hunt which was induced in the name of the protection of public health by current Minister of Health Andreas Loverdos, this woman had been vindicated in court and had successfully participated in a rehabilitation program.World Aids Day is held on the 1st of December each year. It raises awareness across the world and in the community about the issues surrounding HIV and AIDS. Free television ERT3 has a TV special on the subject from 21.30 to 02.00 tonight. Dimitris Trichopoulos, a leading cancer researcher, has died at the age of 76 in an Athens hospital. Trichopoulos died early on Monday several days after suffering heart problems and being admitted to Evangelismos Hospital.

Trichopoulos was a distinguished researcher mainly in the environmental factors that influence carcinogenicity.  His findings, mostly on the prevention of diseases, often emphasising  on nutrition, were frequently among the headline news of the world media.

He was Professor of Cancer Prevention at the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard’s School of Public Health. He also taught at Athens University.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Τρίτη, 02/12/2014 - 14:12