Papakonstandinou is being indicted

The ex-Minister of Finance Giorgos Papakonstandinou will finally be brought before the court for two felonies –disloyalty to service and document falsification– and one misdemeanor –breach of duty. The Plenary Assembly of the Parliament voted for the criminal prosecution against him, which is in agreement with the conclusion of the Preliminary Investigation Committee about the Lagarde list, in the first morning hours of Tuesday. In the secret ballot, voted a total of 283 members of the Parliament, while 269 valid, 9 invalid and 5 blank ballots were found.


166 members of the Parliament voted in favour of the prosecution for the falsification offense, 34 voted against it and 67 members of the Parliament voted “present”.

206 members of the Parliament voted in favour of the prosecution for the disloyalty concerning the service offence, 42 voted against it and 18 members of the Parliament voted “present”.

220 members of the Parliament voted in favour of the prosecution for the breach of duty offence, 35 voted against it and 11 members of the Parliament voted “present”.

Before the ballot began, Mr. Papakonstandinou, making use of the right given to him by the Parliament Regulations, came to the rostrum and denounced the “six-month farce”, but also the conclusion which, as he claims, proves “how much of a pretext the whole process in the Preliminary Investigation Committee was”.
The ex-Ministed denied the charges against him, while he did not omit launching attacks, concerning both the procedure and the concealment of data from the conclusion, which “were not convenient for the construction of my guilt”. At the same time, he also vehemently attacked the president of PASOK and vice-president of the Government Evangelos Venizelos, but also the ex-head of SDOE (Financial Crime Prosecution Body) Yiannis Diotis, saying that “they literally buried the data for the whole time period afterwards”.

In the meantime, financial prosecutor Panayiotis Athanassiou ordered a criminal prosecution on a felony degree against the ex-heads of SDOE Yiannis Kapeleris and Yiannis Diotis, concerning their involvement in the Lagarde list case.

The speakers of ND, PASOK and DIMAR were in favour of the ex-Minister of Finance, Giorgos Papakonstandinou’s indictment, while the opposition speakers accused the three parties of an effort to conceal the truth and the responsibilities “not only of the ex-Minister of Finance”. On his side, the president of the Committee Christos Markoyiannakis defended the Preliminary Investigation Committee’s work, saying that their conclusion depicts “a serious research which took place and a very serious effort” and turned against SYRIZA with accusations that the members of the Parliament participating in the Committee, and mainly Zoe Konstantopoulou, have been engaging in “shows” and insults to his person and finally chose the method of editing a “school essay”, as he said.


The speaker of SYRIZA, Zoe Konstantopoulou, attacked ND and PASOK, claiming that the conclusion they edited leads to the concealment of criminal responsibilities, not only of the ex-Minister of Finance Giorgos Papakonstandinou, but also of the president of PASOK, Evangelos Venizelos. She also referred to a government upgrading of all political personalities, from both parties, who are involved in the Lagarde list.


“Your desire and wish has been the concealment of truth. Your collaboration also concerning Mr. Venizelos is revealing. With your stance and actions in the Preliminary Investigation Committee, many serious facts have remained concealed, such as the illegal concealment and destruction of document by Mr. Venizelos, who kept in his drawer the usb handed over to him by the ex-head of SDOE Ioannis Diotis”, Mrs. Konstantopoulou underlined. Furthermore, the SYRIZA member of the Parliament claimed that Giorgos Papakonstandinou must be prosecuted for the disloyalty to the service offence,  with aggravating consequence according to the law 1608.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54