The 31 students that had been brought into custody were let free

The 31 students, that very strong forces of Riot Police (MAT) had brought into custody to Attica’s Police Headquarters (GADA) on Monday the 8th of July at noon, when the police intervened fully armed – following a request by the professors themselves – within the Deanery, where the new Athens University administration was meeting, and in which a group of students was attempting to intervene, were finally let free.



It all started shortly after 10 in the morning, when very strong and fully armed Police forces – which had been summoned, according to denouncements by administrative employees, by members of the Council of Administration – surrounded the Deanery building, in order to confront a handful of students. The Athens University students wanted to intervene in the meeting – which, as they claimed, took place secretly – which was in progress, in order to express their protest about matters that were in the day’s agenda. According to administrative employees’ denouncements, the Police were called by members of the Council.

Members of the students’ unions, who believe that every constitutional but also legal right of theirs has been brutally violated, came to the ERT building to announce what had happened and call for solidarity tomorrow at 9 in the morning at the Deanery.

Present during the rioting were also the SYRIZA members of parliament Kostas Barkas, Dimitris Tsoukalas and Vassiliki Katrivanou, who denounced that the Riot Police fired chemical gases against the kids.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54