Citizens protected the transmitters in Patras and Chania

A massive mobilisation by the people managed to stop a generalised attack by the Government and the Police against transmitters throughout Greece.

The start was around 8 on Sunday evening on Ainos mountain, in Cephalonia, where a misdemeanor judge, again escorted by the Police, and of course, the ever present in all such situations and of “unknown” further identity – except for the information that presents them as transferred from other areas, maybe so that they will not be recognised – private technicians, two this time, of unknown specialty and experience, approached the transmission centre and turned off the transmitter, but in a way that was unsafe for the very expensive equipment’s integrity. In Cephalonia, they may have managed to cut off the analogical broadcast and throw into “black” and silence a large part of Western Greece, but it was their only success for tonight. The information about similar actions in yet other transmission centres mobilised the local organisations and mainly the citizens in Patras and Chania, resulting in a crowd of people precipitating to form a protection chain at both areas’ transmitters. With this coordinated action of theirs, of solidarity but also of protecting their own property, like the ERA (public radio stations) of Patras and Chania, the people of these cities show there is also another way: that of resistance, which in many cases judges the final winner.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Δευτέρα, 08/07/2013 - 23:59