The coup is escalating...

After the Gerania mountains, follow Ainos, Panahaikon mountain and the Patras Coppice. With the escort of police force, private technicians cast... more “black” on the Public Radio-Television frequencies. The government’s arbitrary action of gagging ERT, on the night of the 11th of June, has more... sad episodes. They brought down the transmitter on Gerania. Today, shortly after 8 at night, they bring down the transmitter on Ainos, in Cephalonia and another operation is underway to bring down the transmitters in Achaia. In Patras, the local ERA (ERT’s radio stations) employees and a crowd of citizens have already been mobilized to prevent yet another action of brutal intervention to the public frequencies.

Is all this happening in order to open the way to more new violations of legitimacy and Democracy? To “baptize” as a compliance with the Council of the State decision, any “piracy” plans they have in mind?

The ERT employees are at their positions. They work and produce a full radio-television and internet programme and all the Public Radio-Television activities. At the same time, they are safeguarding the installations and infrastructures of the ERT building. They are responding to the competent Deputy Minister’s Pantelis Kapsis dialogue and act in... broad daylight. The government, consistently as it seems, continues deciding and operating at night. But society does not sleep and international outcry cannot be gagged. We are calling the people to safeguard the public frequencies and the structures of Democracy.

The transmitters they bring down, the “black” in which they are attempting to sink the whole country, spooks and shocks, but it does not frighten anyone.


Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54