The Operation of obscurantism continues...

They invade the transmitters, the day before yesterday on Gerania, today in Cephalonia, blatantly violating the Council of the State decision. They burglarized the entrance, ousted the employees and, with the help of private technicians from Argos, they cancelled ERT’s broadcast! They fear ERT’s programme and try to gag it! But, no matter what they do, 2 millions of Greek citizens watch ERT ON THE INTERNET, while many others watch and listen to Greek Radio-Television wherever they can, analogically! This ruins their plans and they have taken on “pirate” action!!! We shall not allow it.

Every day, every hour, at the ERT central building, at ET3 and at every local station!



Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54