ERT: 2 months and we continue fighting!

Tomorrow Monday 12-8: “Medea” – “Theo Lazarou – Loukas Panourgias – Themis Symvoulopoulos” at the ERT Building

Today 2 months are completed since the authoritative, illegal and anti-constitutional “black screen” on ERT, on Democracy and on civilisation!

With a Legislative Act, the government “decided and ordered” (*), without even the alibi of the retrospective validation by a law by the Parliament, since, according to government Members of the Parliament and parties it does not have the declared support of the majority! (**)

With the pirate programme from a “ghost” without any legal-institutionalised existence, and the terrorist attacks for the taking down of the transmitters, it proves for one more time its anti-democratic – fascist government action.

With the law-abomination it puts a gravestone on ERT and on Greece’s political-cultural history.

With fake dialogues, buying-off of all kinds of traitors and misleading proclamations, it aims to fool the employees, make them accomplices in its plans, divide them...

It tries to intimidate us with constant threats...

But solidarity and unity shall be safeguarded!

For two months now, a multitude of people support, throughout the world, the ERT employees’ fight.

Every evening, great artists, surpassing all expectations, participate in its cultural programme at the ERT BUILDING, ERT3 (in Salonika), in PATRA, in LESVOS, in VOLOS and all the regional ERT facilities. They are on our side, and we thank them for that, flooding the whole world with culture through our internet radio-television broadcast.

We continue actively and unwavering.

We unite our voice with all public and private sector employees, against this policy that assails the constitutional right to work and all social and labour rights, which have been conquered though so many fights!

We are extending a militant call to all the affected branchesand call them to the ERT Building, as a place of coexistence, to unite our forces, utilising ERT as A BROADCASTER OF FIGHT OF SOCIETY AND LABOUR.

We are extending a militant call to every individualaffected by the memorandums policy, we call them to continue the common fight every day at the ERT Building and the other ERT facilities.


Tomorrow Monday at the ERT Building:

22.00 Theo Lazarou – Loukas Panourgiaswith Greek “artistic” songs

with Themis Symvoulopoulos on the piano

23.30 Medea with her ownand other well-known songs in Ethnic-Rock rythms

Guitar: Periklis Palamiotis – Bass: Yiannis Grigoriou – Drums: Dimitris Antoniades

ERT ALIVE, broadcaster of the fighting society!

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54