PROGRAMME FOR SATURDAY 20.07.2013: ERT – Day Dedicated to Solidaristic & Cooperative Economy


On Saturday 20/7, there will be events on the ERT garden, dedicated to Solidaristic and Cooperative Economy. Starting at 15:00, the collectivities will be informing about their activities, Cooperative & Social kitchens, exchange bazaar, labs etc. will be participating, with the aim to support with their presence the ERT employees’ struggle and, at the same time, promote their activities, proving that a world of solidarity, self management, freedom, cooperation, is not only feasible, but also existing!
Until now, the Social Kitchen “The Other Person” and the Nomadic Kitchen of the Cooperative Coffeehouse of the Plato Academy, the “Iliospori” (“sunflower seeds”), “Messopotamia”, the Moschato Citizens’ Movement, the Initiative for the water not to be privatized in Greece, the Solidarity Pharmacy in Patissia, the Art Bank, the “Drassi” (“Action”) Newspaper, the working collective “La candonna” and others have declared their participation.
There will be an Exchange Bazaar: Starting at 14:00, we bring at the ERT courtyard whatever we no longer use that someone else may need (clothes-books-cd’s-utalitarian items in good condition) and we find something we need. We help strengthen the Solidarity Pharmacy in Patissia, by bringing MEDICINE that has not expired. We gather long-life food, milk, diapers, personal grooming and hygiene items for the Refugees’ Reception Centre in Lavrio.
15:00 The Time Bank is answering questions about the way a Time Bank functions
16:00 Art produces wealth, laboratory for young and old by the Art Bank
17:30 “Iliospori”: Free camping areas network creation.

19:00 Discussion on the subject “non-monetary and exchanging economy, self-established currencies”
- CONTEMPORARY MUSIC ORCHESTRA OF ERT under the direction of the Art Management of the Cyprus Orchestra, Alkis Baltas.
- ALTRIBE BAND ROCK: funk-blues band, on a programme with their own songs, with mainly English lyrics, and covers. The group is characterized by the powerful lyrics, its explosive musical mix and the intense on-scene presence.
Vocals: Fiona Lambridi – Guitar: Pericles Palamiotis – Bass: Dimitris Billias – Drums: Albert Panagiotopoulos
-FIRST COUSINS Giorgos and Dimitris Angelopoulos! In rock tunes with their guitars
- TRISATHLII (“Wretched”) classic rock “covers”
Stefanos Hadjakis: guitar – vocals
Giorgos Baïraktaris: bass
Andonis Tsatsis: percussion (drums)


ERT – Day Dedicated to Solidaristic & Cooperative

Art Bank  ( )
    We reveal the illusion of money value, as it has been established in the social processes, but we also want to show an alternative way, promoting at the same time our own coins, which are works of art by independent creators. Our coins have been made with the aim – beyond the known, that is the autonomy of the work of art – for them to be used in exchange commerce conditions.

”Drassi”(“Action”) Newspaper
( )    The “DRASSI” (“ACTION”) newspaper is a bimonthly militant speech and action newspaper, which is being distributed for free in work and social places and addresses to the entire work world.

Savegreekwater-( )
    The initiative so that water in Greece will not be privatised has started in July 2012, in an effort to inform the public opinion and to interconnect institutions and individuals who have reservations about a private company’s right to have control over a public commodity indispensable for the survival of people, plants and animals.

Social Kitchen “The Other Person” (
    The idea of the social kitchen “The Other Person” is a move of solidarity and indication of love towards our fellow humans, with the hope to awaken consciousnesses and have more similar actions by other people and groups.
We do not do charity, or handouts. We cook on the spot, eat all together and live all together!

Messopotamia – Moschato Citizens’ Movement – Time Bank
    Goal of the Time & Solidarity Bank of Moschato: Social solidarity through mutual exchange of services and the strengthening of the financially weakest social groups.
Fundamental principles and values of the Time & Solidarity Bank of Moschato are: Social solidarity. Quality of life. Individual and social responsibility. Respect to diversity. Immediate and participatory democracy. Viability. Ecological principles.

Nomadic Kitchen of the Cooperative Coffeehouse of Plato Academy (    The coffeehouse operates as a model of cooperative, environment-friendly, social (non-profit) and solidaristic economy. Through our actions, we strive for: The promotion of social & solidaristic economy, the immediate-without intermediaries communication with the producer, the supply of products that respect the worker, the earth, the environment, as well as the reduction of our “ego” through cooperation, dialogue, consent.
We want the coffeehouse to become an urban laboratory of transition from the economic model we are experiencing to an alternative economic model.

Time Bank of Athens – Syntagma Square
(    The Time Bank is a network of solidaristic economy without money, a network for the exchange of services and knowledge supported by its own transaction unit, time.
The Time Bank aims at us working for the benefit of our fellow humans and not that of markets and profit. There are no typical preconditions for the participation in the network, but there are the very basic principles of respect among members, willingness for social offer and creative cooperation and, above all, equality and protection of members from any kind of discrimination.

Solidarity Pharmacy in Patissia
Address: 60, Taygetou st.(entrance of Cultural Centre of Grava)
Telephone: 210-2012013
    It receives and serves for free resourceless people, unemployed and without insurance, exclusively with a doctor’s prescription.
Hours of operation: Monday & Wednesday 17.30-20.00 pm / Thursday 10-12 am
The Solidarity pharmacy continues collecting medicine and welcoming new volunteers

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54