We honk until they hear us!

On Friday 12/7 at 20:00, all of us, wherever we are, are heading to the ERT installations, throughout Greece, honking. For a month now, the government has been trying to impose obsurantism and gagging. At the same time, it has been slandering against the employees and their fight through the “friendly” mass information media.

The ERT employees are continuing to produce information, civilisation and entertainment. At the same time, they are not abandoning the fight and, together with colleagues from other working areas, simple citizens and syndicalist organisations, they rallied outside the TVE installations, the channel owners’ company. The fight will continue, until the government’s memorandum politicy is overturned, a policy that abolishes every social structure and leads the citizens to desperation. We, the ERT employees, are participating in this fight, with all our powers.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54