It must be a practical joke - Unsigned notice of employment termination sent to ERT employees by post!

ERT employees have been receiving as of this morning, a notice of termination of employment sent by the ministry of Finance and manager and liquidator Gikas Manalis, which, nevertheless, has no signature or official stamp whatsoever. The document, that could have easily been a prank, points out that the employees’ contracts were dissolved on June 11th. “Two monthly salaries have been deposited in your bank account as a down payment for the severance payment you are entitled to” reads the notice. Moreover, it is underlined that “until handover of all assets of disbanded ERT S.A. and its subsidiaries that you are liable for you are obligated to safeguard them.”

According to PARON newspaper column “typologies” this document has no legal significance, given that it does not meet legal requirements, such as the official stamp of the corporation and the signatures of the two parties. ERT employees’ layoffs are illegal, since they were belatedly announced by Yiannis Stournaras and Simos Kedikoglou and are not followed by a reference to the full amount of severance payment. These layoffs are illegal both on the part concerning the “sudden death” of the broadcaster as well as that of massive layoffs.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54