General Assembly Resolution of the Workers in the Music Ensembles of ERT

In the wake of the abrupt closure of ERT and the dissolution of Music Ensembles,  ERT musicians met and put forward the following resolution.
1) Self-run public broadcasting that is free to discuss the major issues of a society in crisis.
2) ERT as a truly democratic broadcasting medium, reflecting the citizens’ desire for Democracy and freedom.
3) An elected Board of Directors, whose positions are revocable, and voted on directly by the Greek people. This Board will undertake to protect diversity of opinion and pluralism on the basis of Democracy and National Independence, as mentioned in the 1730/87 establishment law of ERT S.A.
4) Reactivation of the Representative Assembly of Social Control (AKSE) of the Supervisory Board, which will control and oversee the Board of Directors of ERT.

Every Greek citizen should have access to ERT, with the inalienable right to communicate their opinions and complaints to the public broadcaster.

The Music Ensembles, as always, seek to elevate the mood of the Greek people through art, tradition, and the Greek character and culture.

Since the return to democracy in 1974, these have been attacked by every political means, which in combination with the trashy nature of commercial television have ruined every value based tradition in our society. We will not allow them to abolish the Music Ensembles of ERT which is an oasis of culture, both intellectually uplifting and the last bastion of civilisation.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54