ERT employees’ reply to the Minister of Finance: No to the obscurantism policy

The employees of ERT, POSPERT (Panhellenic Federation of ERT employees’ trade unions) and journalists, are stating, with our resolution to all directions, that we are continuing and will continue to fight, with society as our ally, for public information and the safeguarding of public property, that is here. “The government cannot and is not authorised by law to continue the obscurantism policy on public wavelengths. The massive layoffs of the ERT employees are both groundless and invalid”, underlines POSPERT in a new announcement, repeating that the employees are not going to evacuate the ERT building in Agia Paraskevi.

“The Constitution, the right of information, the universal reaction of all workers, of the greek society and the unprecedented international mobilisation, are continuing to remind it to the government. We cannot respond to Mr. Stournaras’s call to abandon the jobs and the property of ERT, which have been obtained with the greek people’s money and, in many cases, are the responsibility of ERT employees.We, the employees of ERT, loyal to our conscience call and with a high feeling of duty, continue fighting steadily for public information and the safeguarding of public property. The illegality concerning the function of ERT is not our responsibility and unfortunately restoration is not within our power. The “black screen” has been imposed and is being continued, defying the Council of the State decision, the responsible Ministers and the government. Public radiotelevision has an identity and a role. It is called ERT and its goal is information, civilisation, sport and entertainment”.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Δευτέρα, 24/06/2013 - 22:09