Opposition parties reject their participation in the transition entity "DT"

ERT’s journalists met today with all political leaders of the opposition apart from the Golden Dawn. With no exception, the political leaders made a commitment that they will not participate in shows of the transition entity, while mr Alexis Tsipras, president of the Coalition of the Radical Left said that he will not participate in any show of the new channel. Mr Fotis Kouvelis, president of DIMAR, the Democratic Left gave credit to ERT’s workers for the work they’ve been doing for the last 2,5 months while mr Panos Kammenos, the president of ANEL, the Independent Greeks mentioned that the coverage of the Independent Greeks’ manifestations in Thessaloniki will be done by members of the party cause they will not permit coverage by the transition entity. Finally, mr Dimitris Koutsoubas, the secretary general of the Communist Party highlighted that the struggle of ERT’s workers is very important for the creation of a public television that will respect journalists’ ethics.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54