NEWS IN ENGLISH 16/05/2015

Former Prime Minister Antonis Samaras in an interview to the Sunday edition of “ETHNOS” implied that his party is open to a collaboration with SYRIZA, as long as the latter’s obsessions are abandoned.

“In case no deal is achieved the Greek authorities will be unable to pay the full installment for June to the IMF”, an internal document of the Fund mentions, as journalist Paul Mason revealed for Channel  4.

The Unified Supplementary Insurance Fund is preparing to liquidate 100 million euros of the “bonds” it has at its disposal, in order to pay supplementary pensions for June, according to New Democracy Insurance section manager, Vassilis Economou.

Minister of National Defence, Panos Kamenos, stated to newspaper Parapolitika that the creditors should also fulfill their obligations towards our country, as Greece has shown great responsibility in the repayment of its own obligations. He repeated that the goal of the government is to find a solution without violating the “red lines” it has drawn.

“Greece has been turned into a financial lab”  to make an example of “the treatment awaiting those who resist” said Jean-Luc Mélenchon in an interview to the French newspaper “L’ Humanite”.

The nationwide entry examinations for higher education will start on Monday with the lesson of Greek language.

The sit-in of the Insurance Organization for Self Employed professionals is continued for the sixth day, by 250 redundant employees who are asking  for the implementation of the ruling of the court that justifies their claim to return to their positions.

Prosecution was brought against journalist and publisher Giorgos Tragas for inaccurate Statement of Occupying property.

As every year, a ceremony commemorating the execution of the members of the national resistance   will take place tomorrow at 11a.m. near the Attic Tumulus within the garden of the hospital “Sotiria “.

In an interview to the Editors Newspaper, Minister of State Nikos Pappas attacked POSPERT,the union of the employees of ERT, saying it is unfortunate that just as the procedure of the return of the employees of ERT to their jobs is beginning, a part of the union speaks of a gravestone of their struggle. He stressed that the government will not accept malignancies of the past and that the inarticulate cries of those who are protesting are an insult not only for those who fought selflessly, but also for those who are struggling day by day to survive.

POSPERT replied reminding Mr. Pappas that, up to now, the elected union representatives of the employees of ERT were called malignancies only by right wing propaganda and that POSPERT was and still is the foothold  of the struggle of the empoloyees of ERT.


In Egypt the court sought the death penalty for former president Mohamed Mursi and 105 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in connection with a mass jail break in 2011 during the uprising against Hosni Mubarak, for killing and kidnapping policemen and  attacking police facilities.

The court's request was condemned by Amnesty International as “ a parody based on void processes” with the demand of his release or the repetition of the trial in a civil court.

In the USA, Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced to death by lethal injection, for the bombing at the Boston Marathon in 2013 which caused the death of three people and the injury of 260 others.

A Syrian aircraft was shot down by Turkish air forces, after entering Turkish airspace, reported network NTV.


Scattered clouds and local showers tomorrow during the afternoon, mainly in the highlands, are forecast by the National Meteorological Service.  Visibility will be limited in the early hours, mostly in the east and the south of the country. Temperatures in Athens will reach 30 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica 28 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54