NEWS IN ENGLISH 07/03/2015

Eurogroup's head Jeroen Djisselbloem sent a letter late last night responding to Finance Minister Gianis Varoufakis, according to a government official.

"He responded positively to the Greek minister, underlining the need for the negotiations to continue at the Euroworking Group and between the technical teams in order to implement the February 20th decision."

“The government” he added,” continues with resolution and responsibility the implementation of reforms in order to relieve citizens and to restart the economy.”

Talk about a leftist parenthesis” reminds the theory of “two extremes “ (far right and far left), said New Democracy MP Euripides Stylianidis in an interview the weekend edition of The Editors’ Newspaper.

He supported that New Democracy must re-establish its social alliance with the middle class and, referring to the leadership of the party, he stressed that persons are directly connected to the ideological and political orientation of the party.

Minister of Productive Reconstruction, Environment and Energy Panagiotis Lafazanis and Deputy Minister of Agricultural Development Vagelis Apostolou met with representatives of beet producers and the federation of workers in the Greek Sugar Industry (EVZ), to assure them that last year’s EVZ debts to them will be repaid in the near future, while an effort is being made to speed up compensations for damaged beet production.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated that “actions and statements by Greek Foreign Minister Panos Kammenos are unacceptable. We call upon the Greek government to control this irresponsible behaviour the soonest possible”, it concluded.

Head of “Anti-Money Laundering and Source of Funds Investigation Authority” Panagiotis Nikoloudis, in a confidential paper addressed to  the Greek Parliament, asked to examine the “source of funds” of former Finance Minister of the New democracy Government Ghikas Hardouvelis, according to the newspaper ‘REAL NEWS”.

Mr Nikolouldis spotted deposits in Mr Hardouvelis’ bank account disproportionate to his reported income for 2011. He also found that in 2012 the former Finance Minister had dispatched to foreign banks amounts of money that had not been included in his statement of assets. Mr Hardouvelis denied the accusations, saying that all these accounts comprise sums that have been fully registered and taxed.

According to a Pan-Hellenic Political Research of Marc agency for The Editors’ Newspaper, 64% of those questioned have a positive and rather positive view of the course of the government so far, while a 31.4% are negative or rather negative. 4.6% of those questioned did not respond.

The submission of a bill in Parliament concerning the re-opening of state broadcaster ERT has been postponed for the following week. The bill is expected to include the return of the employees who were dismissed on 11.6.2013 and the smooth transition to a new form, solving the legal and technical complications caused by the closure of ERT and the arrangements that followed, as well an audit into the finances of NERIT.


The Israeli navy opened fire on fishing boats off the coast of the Gaza Strip today, killing one Palestinian fisherman, said Palestinian hospital officials.

Israel continues the naval blockade on Gaza, which is ruled by the Islamist Hamas movement, and has designated a six nautical-mile fishing zone off coast.


Volatile weather is forecast for tomorrow, with occasional rains in many regions of the country. Snowfalls in northern Greece, also in the highlands in Thessaly, Macedonia and Thrace.

Local showers in Attica, temperatures reaching 11 degrees Celsius. Clouds with sporadic rain and sleet, improving in the afternoon  in Thessalonica. Temperatures will reach 5 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54