NEWS IN ENGLISH 28/02/2015

Prime Minister  Alexis Tsipras  opened the SYRIZA Central Committee meeting in the Cinema Kerameikos. The agenda of the meeting included the assessment of the result of the elections and political developments. New members of the  Political Secretariat will be elected as well as the new General Secretary of the Central Committee.

The PM alluded to  plans to overthrow the government,  made by European conservative forces in co operation with the Samaras regime.

Alexis Tsiprasalsoreferredtonextweekslegislativeactionsforthedealingwiththemonstrous establishment of corruptionandinterweavingofinterests”. He also underlined the necessity for SYRIZA not to become a mechanism of misusing power, as parties of the majority did in the past, and to combine support and criticism towards the government.

Regarding the negotiations about the bridge deal with the lenders, he stressed that the Greek people feel that they are winning back their dignity and that during the negotiations the government “said not one, but many successive NOs in a few days, despite the sometimes unbearable pressure which took, at some point, the form of sheer blackmail”.

Addressing yesterday’s emergency cabinet meeting, the PM announced the draft bills that are to be tabled next week. The first bill will concern the humanitarian crisis , the next will regulate overdue debts to the State. These will be followed by legislation designed to implement the commitment of the government to protect primary residence and to re-open ERT.

The Administrative Board of the European Financial Stability Fund (EFSF) has approved the modification of the Agreement (MFFA), with head of the European Stability Mechanism Klaus Regling commenting that the extension of the agreement is an intermediate step for Greece.

Reuters reported that well informed sources appear reassuring that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will support Greece.

It is reminded that the New Democracy Government had submitted a  request to receive funding from the EBRD, but the procedure had halted because of the uncertainty caused by the recent elections in the country.

Two million euros was the total amount of outstanding debts to the State, owed by three people who were arrested in Serres and Amyndeo in Florina. They will be brought to justice in the courts of the regions where they were arrested.

According to a statement issued by the police afterthorough and detailed investigation, two men of those who took part in last Sunday’s   scuffles outside the football stadium during the match between Olymbiakos and Panathinaikos. The case has been submitted to the prosecutor, while investigations for the identification of other trouble makers is being continued.



Curdish leader Abdullah Ozalan called upon PKK militants to end armed conflict with Turkey, in a written message read by MP, actor and director  Siri-Soyregia Onter. In his message Ozalan “invites PKK to have an emergence conference during this Spring in order to make the strategic and historic decision to end armed conflict on the basis of mutually accepted principles”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised the mother or murdered member of the Russian Opposition Mporis-Nemtsof, that Russian authorities will do everything possible in order to locate and punish her son’s murderers, according to a press release by the Kremlin.

Popularactor Leonard Nimoy, best known for playing the character Spock in the “Star Trek” television shows and films, passed away at the age of 83.




The weather will be unstable in the largest part of the country with local rains but also spells of sunshine, according to the Greek Meteorological Service.

Temperatures will range from 5 to 13 degrees Celsius in Northern Greece, from 6 to 15 in Central Greece and from 8 to 17 degrees in Southern Greece.

In Athens temperatures will reach 17 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica 12 degrees.


Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54