NEWS IN ENGLISH 14/02/2015

“An important step has been made” Alexis Tsipras said in an interview to “REAL NEWS”. The Prime Minister noted however that  “it is still too early to speak about an agreement” as there are obstacles for convergence with our European partners, adding that “negotiations in the Eurogroup on Monday will be difficult”.

The government’s financial team will be holding continuous consultations during the weekend in order to conclude in the positions that Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis will be presenting to the Eurogroup on Monday.

Development Minister Giorgos Stathakis announced the intention of the government to proceed to the creation of a public vector that will manage the non functional private loans for the household that are under the threshold of poverty.

Speaking to the Sunday edition of newspaper “Ethnos” Mr. Stathakis said  non-performing loans will be cancelled in case the borrowers prove to be unable to pay their debts.

Minister of State Nikos Pappas, in his interview to the “Newspaper of the Editors” referring to the public Broadcaster, notes that “ the government honors the struggle of the ERT employees but at the same time it does not requite”, explaining that “ transition to the new ERT will be performed smoothly and without vindictiveness”.

“ Detention centres will soon be history” stated Deputy Minister of Public Order Giannis Panoussis, during his visit to the Immigrant Detention Centre in Amygdaleza after the suicide of a detainee on Friday. Mr.Panoussis mentioned that the government needs more time in order to implement its promises on the matter, adding however that he felt ashamed by the squalid conditions he witnessed there.

The party of Ecologists-Greens has issued a notice demanding the immediate abolition of detention centres.

The Movement against Racism and Fascist Threat (KEERFA) is organising an anti-racist rally at the Propylaea of Athens University at 6 p.m. on Thursday 19th of February.

European Union member states will participate in the efforts of the Greek government to regain the financial assets which have left the country, President of European Parliament Martin Schulz said to newspaper “Parapolitika”.

He added that “Greece will have the European Union and the governments by its side, if it gets down to work and makes the fight against tax evasion and tax fraud its absolute priority”.

The matter of the forced German occupation loan  and World War II reparations was submitted, among others, to the German Minister for European Affairs Michael Roth by  Alternate Minister for Foreign affairs Nikos Hountis.

Mr. Hountis stated that Greece and Germany remain friends and partners within the European framework and that during the recent period of austerity the relations among the two countries have passed through a strained phase.

Members of New Democracy express dissatisfaction with former Prime Minister’s Antonis Samaras attitude in the European People’s Party (EPP) summit on Thursday, especially for signing the common EPP statement declaring that Greece “must respect all its commitments”. MP Dora Bakogianni commented on twitter, that it is a shame that “the EPP does not understand that in a negotiation, first of all we are all Greeks”.

Rallies of Greek solidarity and dignity around Europe, are being organised tomorrow 5p.m. in many Greek and European cities.
SYRIZA member of European Parliament Manolis Glezos calls upon all Greeks to attend tomorrow’s demonstrations in support to the Greek government in its negotiations in the Eurogroup.  “It is time to for you rise up”, he said.


President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine is expected to telephone President of the United States Barrack Obama,German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande  just a short while before the beginning of the ceasefire which comes into force at midnight.

One person has been killed and at least three police officers were wounded during a shooting at a café in Copenhagen, hosting a debate on the issue of Free Speech. The debate was attended by Swedish artist Lars Vilks and also by the French ambassador to Denmark Francois Zimeray. The assailants are still at large.


Fine weather with sporadic clouds is forecast for Sunday February 15th.
Temperatures will range from -4 to 9 degrees Celsius in Northern Greece, from -3 to 10 degrees in Central Greece and from 6 to 13 degrees in the islands of the Aegean and Crete.
Fine weather with local clouds tomorrow in Attica. Temperatures in Athens will reach 12 degrees Celsius, while in Thessaloniki it will reach 9 degrees.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54