
Syriza MP Zoe Konstadopoulou visited ertopen after the exit polls came out in an act of solidarity, as she explained, “to the people who are struggling against policies of poverty and censorship”.

Zoe Konstadopoulou noted: “You will have the opportunity within the next few days to see the actions of Syriza on the matter. It is understood that the commitment of Syriza to re-open ERT is still valid.”

“It was clear that slowly but steadily people made their decisions” said Syriza spokesman Panos Skourletis. “People have their own way of thinking. They had become aware of the problems, they went to the ballots with wisdom. In the political meetings their love and their hope were evident.”

BBC writes about a great victory of Syriza and Tsipras, although the absolute majority is still uncertain. It also refers to the third place which is shared by Golden Dawn and To Potami.

Italian  Repubblica  and Corriere della Sera speak about a triumph of Syriza and Tsipras.

« Syriza is way ahead. Greek voters have decided. The country is before aturn to the Left as polls show precedence of Alexis Tsipras” writes  Spiegel. 
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54