NEWS IN ENGLISH 10-01-2015

Fifteen more days remain until the forthcoming elections and nine thousand citizens registered in places other than their residence will not be able to vote, in case the number of voters there is not sufficient for a polling station. The problem of expatriate voters also remains unresolved, although it could have been dealt with through postal voting or ballots in Greek embassies abroad.

Another pending problem, despite the pleas of most parties of the opposition as well as the intervention of the Greek Ombudsman, is the right of unregistered 18yearolds to vote.

The Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras presented his party’s economic plan live on TV, in a press conference in a central Athens hotel. In view of the elections Mr. Samaras decided a change of tone making promises for tax reductions, the unpopular ENFIA property tax included.

Syriza spokesman Panos Skourletis accused Antonis Samaras of deceiving the Greek people, as he did when he was in the oposition.

Leader of Syriza Alexis Tsipras said his party will support agricultural production by setting the cooperative movement on a sound basis and by liberating farmers from unfair taxes. After visiting Argos, Tyrinth and Nafplio, Mr. Tsipras made a speech in Corinth this evening. Tomorrow at 7p.m. he will be addressing a party meeting in the closed stadium of Kalamata.

Leader of PASOK Vangelis Venizelos spoke in a pan-Hellenic conference of the party, supporting that the main dilemma for the elections is stability or regression.

Secretary General of the Greek Communist Party Dimitris Koutsoumbas, was interviewed by The Editor’s Newspaper and defined the goals and the policy of the Communist party before and after the elections.

Mr Stavros Theodorakis presented the program of this party To Potami for the public administration, while leader of Independent Greeks Panos Kammenos chose Dodecanese as his second constituency. Finally DIMAR announced that it has copleted ballots for the whole country.

New Democracy MP Dora Bakogianni addressed the voters of Golden Dawn through a tweet today saying: “I invite all those who left our party to join Golden Dawn, to return and support the healthy forces in the matter of migration.”

The fight for the re-opening of the national Greek Radio Television ERT is continued in the European Court of Human Rights, to which the Greek federation of workers in broadcasting stations POSPERT has appealed, claiming that the closure of ERT violates article 10 of the European Treaty about Human Rights.

Representatives of ship-workers’ unions blamed the government and the press  for attempted covering up of responsibilities in the case of “NORMAN ATLANTIC” and for the policies whose sole interest of ship owners, in a press conference today.

More than one million people, among them 47 state leaders are expected to participate in the rally for democracy, freedom of the press and against terrorism, tomorrow in the French capital, after Wednesday's deadly attack by two French jihadists on Charlie Hebdo magazine.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Antonis Samaras, Chancellor Angela Merkel and head of the Russian diplomacy Serghei Lavrov will be among those present.

Dutch cartoonist of the Charlie Hebdo magazine Willem expressed his disgust for “all those who suddenly claim to be our friends” after the death of his colleagues, referring among others to leader of far right National Front Marine Le Pen.

Scattered clouds with local rains during the night. Stong southern winds in the seas, gradually warmer weather are forecast for tomorrow Sunday.

In Attiki temperatures will range from 4 to 15 degrees Celsius and in Thessalonica from 2 to 15 degrees. 
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54