NEWS IN ENGLISH 10/12/2014

Victory for Nickos Romanos, as well as for the movement roused in solidarity to his fight, since the amendment was passed unanimously in Parliament in  a roll-call vote last night allows him to attend  lectures without obstruction wearing an electronic monitoring wrist bracelet.

After a 31-day hunger strike of Nickos Romanos, multiple protests by his supporters and the opposition united by his side against the callousness of the government, Minister of Justice Haralambos Athanasiou spoke of an attempt to combine the different views expressed in Parliament last night. According to Nickos Romanos’ attorney, his client is stopping his hunger strike and the procedure of feeding and recuperation are to begin immediately. “We will welcome Nickos Romanos”, said Chairman of Athens Technological Education Institute.

The 19 arrested during the demonstrations commemorating the death of Alexis Grigoropoulos last Saturday were released due to lack of evidence.

The Syrian refugees in Syntagma square are continuing their hunger strike for the  16th day, demanding travel documents they have the right as war refugees. Defying bad weather conditions  they remain in front of the Parliament for the 22nd day.


Presidential elections are to be held on the 17th of December. Former European Commissioner and Vice President of New Democracy Stavros Dimas is the coalition government’s presidential candidate.

The employees of the Thessalonica underground have decided to go on repeated 24-hour strikes, as there is no provision for their jobs while the fate of the entire project is uncertain. Early this morning the strikers closed down the site and the consortium headquarters in the area of the New Railway Station.

In the Casino of Thrace four more union members were fired, only a few minutes after the meeting of the management with the Alexandroupolis Labour Control inspectors about the dismissal of three employees on the 26th of November 2014.

WIND employees are going on a 24-hour strike, protesting about dismissals and demanding an operational contract.

Administrative staff of the Athens Kapodistrian University, with the support of student unions, are planning a 48-hour strike on the 17th and 18th of December escalating their mobilizations in view of the expiry of their availability period and against the redundancies awaiting them.

Pensioners unions organized a protest in front of the treasury department in Syntagma today at 6p.m. demanding the reinstatement of the Christmas bonus in pensions and the abolition of austerity measures.

The Bailiff Association has announced it is going on a strike in alignment to lawyers who are abstaining from courts across the country, reacting against the new Code of Civil Procedure which violates citizen’s rights.

The judgment of the Eastern Crete Court of Appeal in Heraklion concerning ERT employees came as a shock. The judge rejects the verdict of the First Instance Court, in favour of the State. The former ERT employees have not only lost the case of their  but are charged with judicial cost.


Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan and Kailash Satyarthi of India received the Nobel Peace Prize on Wednesday for “their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” As she collected the award, 17-year-old Malala expressed the wish to become Prime Minister of Pakistan some day.


Rainy weather with local storms towards the end of the day.

Southeastern winds reaching 5 beauforts in the Ionian sea and 8 beauforts in the Aegean.

Temperatures in Attica will reach 15C, in Thessalonica 10C.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54