NEWS IN ENGLISH 06/12/2014

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has agreed to meet the parents of young hunger striker Nickos Romanos in his office on Monday.

The meeting was arranged after an official request of the family handed by their lawyer to the Prime Minister’s bureau.

There was a massive turnout in the demonstrations organized in solidarity to Nickos Romanos. Protesters have been abducted in Agrinio and Thessalonica, while five arrests have been made to the moment. In Patra teargas was shot directly onto the face of a demonstrator as proved by pictures taken on the spot.

Traffic and security measures obstructing access to the centre of Athens were attributed to the visit of Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, although there was also increased police alertness for the rally commemorating the death of 15-year old Alexis Grigoropoulos who was shot by a policeman in 2008. This year’s protest coincides with the hunger strike of  his friend  Nikos Romanos, the young prisoner who is on a hunger strike asking  to be allowed to continue his studies in the Athens Technological Institute where he was admitted after finishing high school in jail.

In the evening there was another round of protests and marches supporting Romanos in many cities of Greece and several abroad. In many of these there were reports of police violence. It was also reported that teargas was thrown in the underground station of Omonia, while reporters and photojournalists were particularly targeted.

SYRIZA MP Giannis Mihelogiannakis from Heraklion Crete has announced that he will start a hunger strike near the Syrian refugees in front of the Parliament, declaring that he cannot tolerate to be part of the present political and social injustice.

He urges Greek people to “smash their couches” and react to what is happening in the country.

The 12 arrested protesters from the march on the 2nd of December in support to Nickos Romanos were released on bail. 11 face charges of felony and only one for misdemeanor. It should be noted that the accused bear visible marks of beating and many of the charges, according to their attorneys, are false serving only to justify the excessive violence used by the police.

The 3rd Greek-Turkish High-Level Cooperation Council held in Athens, attended by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, turned out to be mostly an exchange of compliments with a substantial output of financial agreements in the private sector. The Prime Minister’s team reports that the overall results of the Council were positive. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu subsequently met with main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras.

The acclaimed Greek writer Menis Koumandareas was found dead in his appartment in Kypseli, Athens, on Saturday morning. Present evidence suggests murder as police said his body bore evidence of violence, while it appears that a search had been conducted in his home.

Born in 1931, Athens, Menis Koumandareas is considered one of the most significant Greek authors of the second postwar generation

 A powerful double earthquake alarmed the residents of Mitilini early in the morning. The first was measured at 5.1 degrees of the Richter scale, with the second reaching 4.8degrees.  Landslides in roads have been reported, as well as damages in industrial buildings, especially in the area of Plomari.

Employees in Manessis Steelworks are starting continuous 24-hour strikes, after what they describe as the last murder from the side of the employment, when 49-year old worker Christos Anestiades fell into the water tank, to be found later by his colleagues who had been looking for him. The 6-meter-deep water tank is not fenced, it is unlit and outside the main building.


US Airways A330 airbus had to make an emergency landing in Rome, as two passengers and eleven members of the crew were suddenly taken ill during the flight. The US Airways airbus had left from TEL AVIV and was heading to Philadelphia, USA.

As it turned out, damage in the ventilation system was the cause of the problem. 


Weather is expected to be cloudy on Saturday, with local showers and occasional storms in the western parts of the country, Thace and the eastern Aegean .Scattered clouds in the eastern parts.

In Athens temperatures will range from 11Ct o18C. Local showers in Thessalonica , with temperatures from 11C to 13C.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54